Chapter 278 

+15 BONOS 

Hearing Laura’s words, Timothy was so infuriated that he impulsively yanked off his tie. 

It seemed that Laura presumed he was the one who had given Mia the bank cards in the photo! 

Feeling a sense of betrayal, Timothy reflected on Mia’s seemingly unrestrained actions. It seemed like he needed to have a serious conversation with her. 

“Tim, I have faith in you. Keep it up.” Laura teased. 

Timothy couldn’t find solace in Laura’s encouragement. Instead, his heart experienced another pang of frustration. 

As Timothy left the study with his phone in hand, he absorbed the familiar surroundings of the villa. Despite everything appearing the same, there was a noticeable absence. 

Returning to the bedroom, Timothy retrieved his phone and messaged Mia: “What’s up with your Instagram post?” 

Mia, feeling content after her evening routine, was about to go to bed when she received the message from Timothy.. 

After reading his message, she was momentarily stunned. Hadn’t they unfollowed each other on Instagram? 

Just then, Mia remembered re–following Timothy on Instagram to reimburse the hundred thousand dollars that Mary had taken. However, Timothy had never accepted the money. 

But what prompted him to message her now with such a cold tone

Mia responded indifferently: “If you’re unable to understand, why bother checking out my post in the first place?” 

“Who provided you with those six bank cards?” 

Mia retorted, “They’re obviously from six different men.” 

Upon reading Mia’s reply, Timothy was suddenly reminded of the men he had encountered in the hospital that day, all of whom appeared to be from the Lane family in Nord City. 

Timothy couldn’t shake the feeling that something was amiss. Initially intending to make a voice call to Mia, he mistakenly tapped the video call button instead. 

Meanwhile, on the other end, Mia noticed Timothy’s video call invitation. She couldn’t help but 

+15 BONOS 

After all, she and Timothy had been married for three years, and he rarely responded to her messages, let alone initiated a video call. 

However, memories flashed back to the time she was kidnapped in the remote mountains. If Timothy hadn’t arrived promptly, the consequences would have been unimaginable. 

Taking a deep breath, Mia decided to accept the call, asking, “Hello, what’s the matter?” 

As Mia’s face appeared on the video, Timothy was momentarily taken aback. He hadn’t anticipated her agreeing to the video call. 

He observed Mia leaning against the headboard, clad in a camisole nightgown, with her slightly damp hair suggesting she had just stepped out of the shower

Timothy’s eyes lingered on her nightgown, and his gaze deepened. “Don’t you know why I’m 

looking for you?” 

Mia retorted, “How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?” 

“Mia, I never thought your values could be so distorted.” 

Hearing Timothy’s remark, Mia couldn’t help but feel a bit exasperated. “Well, surprise, surprise! Did you just figure that out today? My values have always been influenced by physical 


“If someone looks good, I assume their values must be in sync. Otherwise, why would I have been. 

attracted to you in the first place?” 

Timothy was taken aback by her candid response. 

After a brief pause, he asked, “And what about now?” 

Mia gazed in disbelief at Timothy through the phone. Despite the front–facing camera, he still 

appeared handsome and charming. 

Mia pursed her lips, her expression somewhat awkward. “What do you mean by “now“?” 

“Didn’t you just say you liked me?” 

“Oh, that’s all in the past. After all, there are countless men out there. If one doesn’t work out, I can 

always find another.” 

Timothy couldn’t help but feel a twinge in his heart. 

Mia’s perspectives on love were undeniably twisted–expressing affection one moment and 

An uncomfortable silence settled between them. 

+15 BONOS 

Changing the subject. Timothy asked, “Mia, what exactly is your relationship with Connor?” 

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