Chapter 265 

+15 BONOS 

Mia found herself amused as she witnessed Pauline and Mary engaging in a heated altercation, hurling harsh words and curses at each other. 

She couldn’t contain her laughter, almost reaching the point of tears. 

“Indeed, they got what they deserved.” Mia quietly reflected. 

Turning to Ted, she cautioned, “You better recover that ten thousand dollars of yours, or your entire family will face repercussions. 

“That money is undeniable proof of your involvement in human trafficking.” 

Ted was equally taken aback, grappling with the disbelief that Gia’s child wasn’t biologically his. 

The entire situation unfolded due to this revelation, compelling him to hastily consider marriage, a decision he wouldn’t have otherwise rushed into. 

Ted forcefully seized Gia and demanded, “Where’s the money? Hand it over!” 

In that tense moment, a person in uniform entered the scene and asked, Who is Ted Bowen, and where are his family members?” 

Without hesitation, Mia spoke up. “That’s Ted, but it was Pauline and Gia who were involved in 

accepting the illicit funds.” 

Gia’s complexion turned pale as she desperately pleaded, “You can’t arrest me. Do you realize whose child is growing in my belly? It’s the future heir of the CEO of Globex Corporation!” 

Expressing his dismay. Ted exclaimed, “Isn’t his granddaughter about your age? How could you engage in such actions with a significantly older man?” 

Gia swiftly fired back. “What other option did I have? Did you really think I would settle for a broke 

guy like you? 

“If there hadn’t been an urgent need for someone to step in, I wouldn’t have been with you in the first place. It certainly seemed like ten thousand dollars was a substantial amount for you!” 

Pauline chimed in with disdain. “Exactly! Considering your family’s financial circumstances, do 

you believe you are truly worthy of Gla? 

“Despite her child not being biologically yours, she chose to be with you. Consider yourself fortunate and express some gratitude!” 

Ted looked devastated as if a profound blow had struck him. He turned toward the edge, contemplating the unthinkable. “I don’t want to live anymore. It’s unbearable.” 

+15 BONOS 

Witnessing Ted on the verge of jumping, Mary rushed over, urgently shouting. “Ted, don’t do it! It’s 

not worth it for this bitch.” 

Visibly displeased, Pauline retorted, “Excuse me, who do you think you’re calling a bitch?” 

Without restraint, Mary charged toward Gia, launching a torrent of insults and blows. “Your deceitful woman! How dare you toy with my son’s emotions, you disgraceful…” 

Gia ended up with a swollen face, and bloodstains appeared underneath her, resembling the aftermath of a miscarriage

Upon witnessing the scene, Mia quickly intervened. “Gia is pregnant!” 

The situation descended into chaos. 

Connor quickly pulled Mia aside, advising. “Mia, stay back, don’t get involved.” 

Taking several steps away, Mia withdrew into the background, mindful of her own pregnancy. 

She hadn’t anticipated the situation escalating to such an extent

Before long, Gia was rushed to the emergency room, and both Mary and Ted found themselves. under arrest on charges of human trafficking. 

Mary swiftly turned to Mia, imploring. “Mia, we were also deceived by Gia. Couldn’t you simply ask her to return the money to you? Must you resort to such drastic measures?” 

With a resolute expression, Mia locked eyes with the police officer and stated, “Officer, I have no connection with them. Please handle the situation as you find necessary.” 

Mia found it impossible to forgive Bob and Mary. Their betrayal was too profound! 

As Mary and Ted were escorted away, the hospital room finally regained its tranquility. 

Not long after, Connor reentered the room, conveying, “Gia’s child didn’t make it, and she won’t be able to have any more kids in the future.” 

“I suspected that might be the case, especially given Gia’s track record of past abortions.”

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