Chapter 251 

+15 BONOS 

Unexpectedly, Mia spotted Timothy in the vicinity. 

He stood in front of the counter, clutching a mobile phone that seemed more suited for women. 

Who could he be purchasing the phone for? 

Was it possibly intended for Maya? 

It made sense, considering Timothy had just gotten engaged to Maya earlier in the day. 

Mia quickly averted her gaze, feigning ignorance about Timothy’s presence. 

Connor, too, caught sight of Timothy and furrowed his brow in disapproval. He had heard rumors. that Timothy had called off the engagement earlier

It seemed his suspicions were valid. 

Considering Timothy’s lack of affection for Maya, it seemed probable that his agreement to the engagement was influenced by a deal involving Laura’s surgery. 

Even so, Connor harbored a dislike for Timothy, especially because of Timothy’s apparent interest in Mia

Connor suddenly became a bit wary. “Mia, how do you feel about the newest model of this brand’s 


Mia, who was standing nearby, glanced at the phone. “It’s fine.” 

She simply wanted to purchase the phone and exit the premises as swiftly as she could. 

Connor turned his attention to the nearby staff. “Please get me this model.” 

The staff hesitated, stating, “I’ll need to check if we still have stock. This model sells quickly at our store.“– 

Standing in place, Mia caught sight of Timothy’s gaze from the corner of her eye. She subtly pursed her lips, pretending not to acknowledge him. 

Connor, too, noticed Timothy’s stare. He swiftly positioned himself between Mia and Timothy, casually obstructing the line of sight. 

Taking it a step further, he intentionally struck a pose at the counter, strategically blocking Timothy’s view behind him. 

+15 BONOS 

In response to Connor’s deliberate interference, Timothy narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of displeasure. 

It was evident that there was an unconventional dynamic in Mia’s relationship with Connor. 

This might explain Mia’s ability to influence Connor into performing Laura’s surgery. 

Perhaps Mia knew about Maya’s deception of Timothy all along. Could it be that she purposefully designed the engagement venue to personally witness his humiliation

The more Timothy pondered the situation, the more disconcerted he became. 

The last thing he anticipated was coming across Mia’s broken phone, and inexplicably, ending up 

in this particular store. 

Just then, the staff returned to Mia with an update, saying, “Apologies, but we currently have only 

one unit of this phone left.” 

Connor, in high spirits, exclaimed, “Perfect! We’ll take the last one.” 

However, the staff hesitated again, glancing in Timothy’s direction. “The remaining phone is currently in that customer’s hands, and we’re unsure if he intends to purchase it.” 

Observing the phone in Timothy’s grasp, Connor stepped forward and said, “Timothy, let’s discuss this. We’ll take this phone for now. Mia’s phone is broken, and she urgently needs a replacement.” 

Timothy glanced toward Mia, his expression tense. 

After a brief moment, he responded, “But I was here first.” 

Connor couldn’t help but snort. Why was Timothy so oblivious? 

Even though Connor explicitly mentioned buying the phone for Mia and performing Laura’s surgery as a favor for her. Timothy seemed to disregard even this modest courtesy

Mia coughed discreetly and pulled Connor aside, remarking. “Let’s forget about it; we can pick a different brand. The older model is perfectly fine.” 

“No, we have to go for the latest model if we’re making a purchase,” Connor insisted. 

It marked the first time he was buying a new phone for Mia, and he was determined to choose the latest and most expensive one. Cheap options didn’t interest him at all.. 

Upon hearing Connor’s firm stance, Mia suddenly felt overwhelmed. All she wanted was to leave this place as soon as possible. 

She gently tugged at Connor’s arm and whispered in a playful tone, “I’ll cherish anything you 

Certainly, any gift from Connor would be appreciated by Mia. 

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