Chapter 249 

Mia braced herself for a potential fall, yet it never occurred. 

Instead, she managed to regain her balance, each of her hands firmly held by someone who prevented her from stumbling. 

A lingering fear enveloped her. What if she had indeed fallen? What repercussions would it have on the baby growing in her belly? 

Reflecting on her loss of composure during the confrontation with Bob and Mary, Mia recognized the pitfalls of impulsiveness. 

She attempted to withdraw her hand, but both men held on firmly. 

A moment of silence enveloped the air. 

After exchanging a glance with Felix and Timothy, they eventually released Mia’s hands. Upon regaining her freedom, she cleared her throat and uttered, “Thank you.” 

Felix grinned. “No problem. After all, if you got hurt, it would be considered a workplace injury. I’m just trying to save money for the studio.” 

Mia couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well, then I better watch my step and not empty the studio’s pockets.” 

Observing the playful exchange between Mia and Felix, Timothy pursed his lips and shot Felix a cold look. 

Noticing Timothy’s reaction, Felix acknowledged him, saying, “Mr. Barrett, thanks for your assistance earlier.” 

Timothy was momentarily taken aback. For the first time in his life; he felt the impulse to swear. Thanks, my ass! 

All he did was rescue his wife. Did he need an outsider to express gratitude? 

Sensing Timothy’s discomfort, Mia swiftly interjected. “Mr. Barrett, I truly appreciate your timely help!” 

Timothy appeared dissatisfied, commenting, “Is that all?” 

Wasn’t there anything more she wanted to add? 

Mia hesitated for a moment before responding, “Thanks a million?” 

+15 BONOS 

Timothy, growing increasingly irritated, inquired, “Mia, are you just going to let the engagement proceed like this? Don’t you have anything to say?” 

Wasn’t she the one who claimed to have designed the engagement venue

This seemed like quite the performance

Now, she wasn’t even willing to put on a facade. Was she in such a hurry for him to engage with someone else? 

As Mia gazed into Timothy’s profound eyes, she felt a blend of comprehension and uncertainty, as if she understood something without fully grasping it. 

Nonetheless, she harbored no intention of unraveling the meaning behind his eyes. 

She lowered her gaze. “There is indeed something I’d like to say.” 

Timothy held his breath, prompting her to continue. “Go on.” 

If you’re satisfied with the design of the engagement venue, please remember to settle the final installment on time. We accept payments through Venmo.” 

As Mia’s words hung in the air, a palpable silence settled over the 

e scene. 

Timothy’s face turned ashen. It marked the first time he had been so infuriated by a woman, and 

Mia was the first to achieve that feat. 

Following her parting words, Mia gathered her belongings and departed

In an attempt to appease Timothy, Felix offered, “Mr. Barrett, I wish you both a joyous engagement. 

“Get lost!” Timothy was on the verge of exploding at any moment. 

Felix, wary of offending him, also departed cautiously. 

Without glancing back, Mia left alongside the other studio staff. 

Back at the studio, Mia resumed her usual seat, her thoughts lingering on the engagement, assuming it must have concluded by now. 

Suddenly, Mia sensed a slight soreness in her eyes. 

Checking the time, Mia informed Felix, “My phone is broken, and I need to get a new one. I’ll head 

out now.” 

+15 BONOS 

“I can give you a ride. I’m just finishing up as well. 

“Since everyone put in a lot of effort today, let’s skip the dinner gathering and allow everyone to go home and get some rest. We can reconvene for a meal tomorrow.” 

“It’s okay. Felix. I’ll take a taxi. After all, you’ve been working tirelessly these past few days. You should go home and rest early.” 

Felix insisted, “I’m not tired, Mia. You still have wounds on your face. Allow me to escort you back. 

Otherwise, I won’t feel at ease.” 

At this moment, he felt the need to express his concern. 

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