Chapter 195 

Connor glanced at his phone before answering the call, “Yes?” 

“Connor, did you know that Dominic and Eva flew back today?” Maya questioned. 

+15 BONOS 

“Really? I had no clue.” He sensed Maya’s attempt to pry information, but he remained tight–lipped. 

Eva had discreetly updated the others that Mia picked the couple up from the airport without anyone’s 

knowledge, narrowly avoiding Maya. 

Connor had no intention of letting Maya in on the secret. 

Meanwhile, Maya was still waiting in the parking lot. Time ticked by but there was no sight of Dominic and 


Maya sensed that something was off. Still on the phone with Connor, she asked him, her voice tinged with 

suspicion, “You seriously didn’t know?” 

“I’ve been swamped with work. How would I know?” 

“Dominic and Eva are really here! I was a bit late to the airport, so I didn’t manage to pick them up. Call them and ask where they are so we can have a meal together. They’re going to attend my engagement ceremony. I need to thank them properly.” 

Connor fabricated an excuse. “I’m busy now. I’ll check with them when I have time.” 

Maya felt defeated. Asking about Dominic and Eva’s whereabouts was definitely off the table now. 

However, Maya pressed on because she could sense that he was trying to evade her questions. “Connor, do you know why Dominic wanted to acquire a small factory? It’s strange of him to suddenly invest in a small company that has nothing to do with our family business.” 

Most importantly, the owner of that small company had spread damaging rumors about Mia. 

Without Dominic’s sudden acquisition that made the company go bankrupt, Mia would not have escaped 


In the end, that company was announced bankrupt and Mia successfully cleared her name. 

The sheer thought of it displeased Maya. She wanted to get to the bottom of it, but Dominic remained tight- lipped, leaving her in the dark. 

No one told her the reason behind his decision. 

Needless to say, Connor knew about it but he wouldn’t tell Maya, keeping Mia’s secret safe. 

“Beats me. Dominic’s business is none of my concern anyways,” Connor replied nonchalantly. 

Maya’s expression darkened as the call ended, but she quickly composed herself. 

She turned towards Shelly and quickly made something up. My brother has to deal with something urgent, so 


+15 BONOS 

I see. Work comes first. Your brother seems like a busy man indeed,” Shelly replied. 

Maya mustered a strained smile. “Yeah, he’s here in Bern City for my engagement ceremony, but work summoned him anyway. I bet he squeezed in some time just to come to the ceremony.” 

Yet, an uneasy feeling gnawed at her chest. 

Nevertheless, she couldn’t reveal any vulnerability to Shelly. Being the unloved Ms. Lane was her secret, and 

she intended to keep it that way. 

No one in Bern City knew about that. 

That was precisely why she was determined to settle down there and marry Timothy

Shelly looked envious. “Your brother may be busy, but he treats you well. He gives you loads of pocket money, 

unlike my cousin. He froze my card, and nobody in the family dared to say a word about it.” 

The freezing of her cards weighed heavily on Shelly. 

Maya’s expression briefly stiffened at the mention of pocket money. 

In actuality, it was her hard–earned money and savings

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