Chapter 0094

(Brady POV)

I have fallen in love with Lily. Loving and taking care of her has become one of my most important priorities. One day soon, I would love to make her the luna of my pack.

Given my feelings, you may wonder why I bailed on our plans for tonight and let her go out with James

instead. The answer is simple. I only have one priority in my life that will ever be more important to me

than her. And, unfortunately, James knows exactly that that priority is: my 7–year–old son, Sammy.

Sammy is my heir, but he lives with his mother in another pack. He will continue to live with his mother

full–time until he turns 16. At that point, he will move to Black Moon to begin actively training for the

alpha position.

Given the distance between our two packs, and given Sammy’s school and extracurricular activities, I

only get to see Sammy in person during the summer and during school breaks. To make up for my

absence in his everyday life, I do everything I can to stay in touch with him using phone and video calls. I

also play online video games with him, actively using the chat feature of those games to stay connected.

None of that is enough, but 1 am grateful for whatever I can get.

For the past six months, my son has been participating in a weekly debate class. It is specifically

designed for the pups of ranked wolves, and it is intended to help them learn public speaking skills. The

program is run by an academy in Washington D.C., but it serves wolves all over Europe and the United

States. The program is extremely competitive and hard to get into. I had to pull a lot of strings to get

Sammy in, but I was able to pull it off.

It may seem silly to have pups as young as Sammy participate in a debate class, but the reality is that

ranked wolves have heightened responsibilities to their packs, and they need to develop certain skills as

young as possible. Participation in a program like this also allows pups to bond with future pack leaders

across the world, which can become really important for making alliances later on.

For pups this age, the program leaders try to make the class as fun as possible. For example, they debate

very silly and pup–appropriate topics. The pups are also allowed to have a parent attend the class with


The parents play an important role in each week’s class. Parent participants serve as debate partners for

their pups, help their pups prepare talking points when they debate other students, and help the pups

understand and follow up on feedback received from the program Instructors.

Because the program is done entirely online, I had been hopeful that this would be something that

Sammy and I could do together. However, thus far, Sammy has insisted that either his mother or his


James is close to Sammy’s stepfather. That is how he knows about Sammy, and how he knows about what happened between Sammy’s mother and I.

I do not know what kind of magic James was able to use, but somehow he was able to get Sammy to invite me to do the debate class with him tonight. I absolutely hate James for getting involved in my life, and I hate him even more for manipulating my pup for his own selfish desires. Even so, when Sammy called and asked me to be his partner, there was absolutely no way that I could suy no.

Acknowleding that James may have won the battle, I was nevertheless determined that he was not going

to win the war. I made sure to send three–quarters of my security team with him and Lily, and I gave the

team very specific instructions that I thought would be sufficient to keep the two of them mostly apart.

I told the team not to disturb me during Sammy’s class, but once the class was over, I demanded updates

every 15 minutes.

When my team told me that James had taken Lily to a chocolate farm, I laughed. I honestly did not see

the appeal of doing something like that, especially when you are trying impress a she–wolf. Then, when

my team told me that Lily fled James‘ car and was yelling at him to leave her alone, I felt nothing short of


I headed downstairs, planning to rescue her. I also thought that taking Lily for a walk along the beach.

would be a perfect opportunity to finally tell her about Sammy and Evelyn. I knew I had kept the whole

situation a secret for far longer than I should have, but I never planned on falling in love with Lily. By the

time that I realized that I had, Lily had more important things to worry about.

Once I got downstairs, I headed to the area my guards told me they had seen Lily and James. Just as I was making my way to that spot, the guards mind–linked me that Lily and James were on the move and

seemed to be getting along again.

I did not believe it, so I went to check for myself. Using Kalen’s ability to block our scent, I was able to

get pretty close to Lily and James without them noticing.

I arrived just as they were debating the twenty questions game. Listening to the conversation, I could not

help but wonder whether James was taking this situation seriously enough.

When James brought up doing a twist on the game that involved the removal of clothing Items, I was ready to murder him. The only reason that I did not go over and punch him right then and there was that Lily was sitting next to him.

Instead, I decided to announce my presence to them and get Lily away from him for the night. Before I could, however, I saw Lily put her head on James‘ shoulder.



It was such a small gesture, and yet it completely broke my heart. After all that James did to her, how

could she possibly feel comfortable being that close to him?

I decided to leave before I did something that I would regret. I went back to my room, enraged. A part of

me was upset with Lily for falling for James‘ nonsense, and a part of me was pissed as hell at James for

toying with Lily this


My team continued to give me updates on what Lily and James were doing the rest of the night. I ended

getting no sleep at all. I was pissed, hurt, and ready to lash out at anyone and everyone.

But above all, I knew that I was not going to give up yet. I would make sure that Lily eventually saw

reason, and that Lily would eventually be mine.

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