Chapter 0092

After a few minutes, I notice that she is not fighting me anymore. Instead, she is crying her eyes out into

my chest. My shirt is drenched, but I could care less. Without letting go of her, I gently push her away

from me just enough so that I can look her in her beautiful eyes.

“Lily, in the past, I made a lot of incorrect assumptions about you, and I regret every d&&n one of them

now. Please do not repeat my mistake by making incorrect assumptions about me. I promise that I will

explain what you just heard, and I will tell you anything and everything that you want to know. If after hearing my explanation and answering your questions, you still want me to walk away and leave your

alone, I will. It might kill me, but I will. I promise.”

Lily does not look convinced, so I point to Brady’s security guards, all of whom look like they are ready to attack. Honestly, I am surprised they haven’t already tried to intervene. I am sure they would have if I was anyone else; I’m guessing that my being an alpha wolf carries just enough weight to make them


“Lily, as you can see, you have Brady’s entire team here to make sure that I honor my promises to you.

Just hear me out, okay?”

Lily studies my face for a while, and then eventually nods her head.

While continuing to hug her, I quickly lay it all out there for her, leaving nothing out. I tell her about the fight with my mother on my way out the door; I tell her how Sheila basically invited herself on the trip and then got my mother to back her up; and I tell her how Joey offered to help me keep Sheila occupied so that I could relax in peace. I even confess to Lily that my mother was pressuring me to make Sheila my

future luna.

Lily continues to have a strong physical reaction every time I mention Sheila’s name, but I force myself to tell her everything anyway. If we are going to be together, which I hope we can be eventually, it has to be based on a foundation of truth. Too many lies, misunderstandings, and false assumptions have

separated us in the past.

At the end of the story, I make sure to emphasize a few key points: “You do not have to feel threatened by Shella. I am not attracted to her and I do not have any feelings for her. I will never make Sheila my luna, even if you refuse me. My heart, if you want it, belongs to you and only to you.”

As I finish, I wait for Lily to react. She once again takes her time to study my eyes and my face. Finally,

after what seems like forever, she speaks:

“Sheila is dangerous and evil. She is not who you think she is.”

Lily’s voice is quiet and full of sadness, and yet her comment shocks me. I find Sheila to be annoying


Had this conversation happened between Lily and I three months ago, I would have told Lily she was wrong. Hell, three months ago, I probably would have cursed Lily out and kissed Sheila in front of her just

to be an a&&hole.

Thank Goddess I am not the same person anymore. Too many things have already blown up in my face for me to trust people simply because I have always trusted them, Plus, something deep in my gut tells

me that Lily is telling me the truth. Luke agrees with me.

“Why don’t you tell me who she is, then,” I say softly.

Lily says nothing. Instead, she lays her head against my chest again, as though she is taking comfort in my embrace. I hold her for a couple of minutes, finding comfort in her embrace as well. 1

Finally, I speak again.

“Are you still willing to take that walk with me? We still have a lot to talk about.”

Lily takes a deep breath and nods her head. “Yes, but I still need a sweater. Do you want to follow me to

my room or wait here?”

“I will follow you,” I respond as I take her hand in mine. “Show me the way.”

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