Chapter 0080

“Brady, you have to know how much I appreciate everything that you have done for me. I care about your a lot. But we came here for a reason, and that is so that James and I can get closure. After what happened between you and I last night, I do not think that it is fair to you, me, or him for us to try to get that closure with you hovering over us.”

“I do not care what is fair to him. You are the only one that I care about,” he links back.

“Please, Brady. Just give us a little time. It’s not like I am going to run off into the sunset with him. We are going to be right there by the ocean. We will still have ten plus security guards watching our every move. Your room is close enough that you should be able to mind–link any one of them for an update if you get worried. I know you have to be tired. Why don’t you go back to your room, order room service, and take a nap? I will mind–link you when we are done, okay?”

I can tell Brady is struggling to agree, but I also know that I cannot give him any other options. Before he

can say “no,” I give him a hug and kiss him on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I say to him.

(James POV)

After saying that she lost her appetite, I was waiting for Lily to walk away from the table… but she did not.

Instead, from their body language and facial expressions, she seems to be engaged in a mind–link

conversation with Brady. But how is that possible?

My heart breaks a little bit when she turns and hugs Brady, even kissing him on the cheek.

I try to prepare myself for the pain that I will feel when I watch her walk away with him, but to my surprise,

Brady is the one who walks away…. and he does so without her.

Lily then turns to me.

“James, I am going to sit by the ocean for a bit. Would you like to come with me?”

“Yes.” Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

As I follow her to a couple of beach chairs laid out by the resort, Luke starts to do a happy dance inside

my head and my heart fills with hope.

I know I have a long way to go if I am going to fix things with her, but just the fact that she is willing to talk.

to me is huge progress.


(Lily POV)


James and I sit down next to each other on the beach. For a few minutes, I enjoy the relaxing feel of the

ocean breeze and the relaxing sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore.

Finally, I turn to James. “Look, I am sorry for what happened back there.”

He looks at me with surprise. “Why are you apologizing?”

“I should have known that it would be awkward between you and Brady.”

“Are you two… together?”

I shake my head. “No, but I do care about him a lot.”

“Care about him how? As in, as a friend?”

I grimace. “It is complicated.”

He looks down at his hands. I can tell he is trying to choose his next words carefully.

“Are you a member of Brady’s pack?”


“I was watching the two of you back there. It looked like you were mind–linking.”

I nod. “You are right. We were.”

“How is that possible if you are not a member of his pack?

I take a deep breath. I decide to mind–link him my response. “Technically, I have been a rogue since I

rejected the West Mountain Pack. I am not sure why I have not taken on the scent of one yet. But I can

mind–link you too, James.”

He looks at me again with shock in his eyes. “How?”

“We have a lot to talk about, I think.”

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