Chapter 0028

My anger is continuing to increase by the second, but with our eyes locked, I cannot help but to notice just how beautiful Lily’s eyes are. Even swollen and bruised, they are absolutely captivating.

I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. I must remember that all positive thoughts about Lily are betrayals of Stephanie.

Taking a deep breath, I also remind myself that I have to finish this. I cannot afford to back down. I must keep my promise to my first love… no, my only love… and secure justice for her.

“Little Brat, I hope you know that I will not be accepting your rejection.”

Lily sneers.

“James, as always, you are wrong. You will accept the rejection. For both our sakes,” she responds confidently.

I can feel Luke start to panic. “NO! DO NOT ACCEPT THE REJECTION,” he pleads. “Please, James, no matter what you think you know, no matter how angry you are, PLEASE DO NOT ACCEPT HER


I ignore Luke’s pleas and sneer back at Lily. “You told Luke that you would give him time to fix things. I guess your pretend-wolf is just as much of a liar as you are.”

Lily smiles. “Luke told me that you are not as bad as you seem. From where I sit, you are worse. Should I call Luke a liar as well?” she responds.

I ignore Lily’s question. It was rhetorical anyway.

“Little Brat, I am not done with my revenge! I will not let you just walk away from me! Not this time! Not until you pay for what you did to Stephanie. I will not accept your rejection!”

“Oh, I am so sorry, James,” she says with obvious sarcasm. “You are right. I missed a step. You told me earlier that you expected me to be on my knees when I begged you for a rejection. Would you like me to


do that now?”

“Are you offering to get on your knees for me?” I retort. “If so, thanks but no thanks. I have other she-

wolves to help me with that.”

“Oh, James. Please do not misunderstand me. My offer stands, but I have no interest in pleasuring you.

You see, my taste buds are repulsed by the flavor of man wh ores. What I am offering is to get on my

knees and

you to accept my rejection. It is what you said you wanted earlier. I have decided that I am willing to give it to you

beg y

Suddenly a thought occurs to me. Is it possible that Lily has been possessed by a demon? Maybe?

Possibly? Probably?

I guess it is irrelevant. I cannot back down. I decide to call Lily out on her


“FINE. Get on your knees. It is the least that you can do after getting Stephanie killed!”

Lily immediately drops down.

I am shocked. I did not expect her to actually do it.

Something else is bothering me too. I reach out to Luke again. “Luke, Lily is bruised and beaten. She is on her knees, ready to beg me. She should look pathetic. Instead, she looks… powerful. How can that

be? Did she put some sort of spell on me? On herself?”

“No, James. Lily looks powerful because she is. She is the one fully in control of the situation right now.

You are the one who looks pathetic,” Luke responds.

I rub my aching chest as the pain in my heart continues to worsen, but I refuse to admit that Luke may be


“No, that is not true. I am the one in control here, not her. I would never cede control to a murderer.”

“Pretty sure you already have.”

That is it. I cut the link with Luke and put up a block. Putting up a block is an extreme measure, but I

need to focus what is left of my energy and Luke is not helping me at all. He is just confusing me more.

cent your rejection? FINE. But first “Okay, Lily Brogan. You want me to I want to hear you beg. Do it

now. I want the entire pack to listen to YOUR WORTHLESS PATHETIC SELF beg me. DO IT. DO IT NOW.”


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