Chapter 0104

And that gave me an idea.

I picked a few unmated she-wolves who I thought could keep a secret, and who I knew wanted the social

benefits. I then entered into arrangements with them. And before you ask, I had to have more than one

she-wolf, because if there was just one, there might be pressure to eventually take that she-wolf as a

chosen mate, and I did not want to be forced to be mated to a superficial she-wolf who only cared about

her social standing.

Also, there was a reason that the arrangements were always described as ‘arrangements.’ It kept it

ambiguous and somewhat impersonal. The deal was, the she-wolves would take turns sleeping on the

couch in my bedroom. They would dress provocatively when they came in, but all they would do while in

my room was play on their phones, watch TV, or sleep.

To the outside world, though, it would appear that we were having sex. A condition of the deal was that

they never tell a soul about what was happening in my room. I did not have the benefit of an alpha-

command yet, but I made all sorts of threats to ensure total confidentiality.”

Lily sat there staring at me, her mouth slightly open.

“Wait… why did you not just… force yourself to have sex anyway? Even if you had to think of me while you

did it?”

Sh&t. I was hoping she would not ask this question.

“Tell her, James. That way I do not have to be the only one who makes fun of you for it.”

“Shut up, Luke.”


“Having sex would require my penis cooperating. And it would not do so. I could get hard if I thought of you, but I hated doing that because you were underage most of those years and I also really did believe that your actions caused Stephanie to die. But even when I got desperate for relief and thought of you, all it took was for another female to walk into the room, and I was done. My erection never lasted.”

“So…. you are telling me that you are a virgin? What about my sister?”

I sighed.

“Yes, I am a virgin. Your sister and I never crossed that line; we had agreed to wait until the mate bond kicked in so that our first time would be extra special.



reaction right now is exactly why I had to keep it a secret.

I used to be really embarrassed about it, but again, now it all makes sense. It was the mate bond this

whole time, and I was just too st upid to see it.”

“And now?”

“Do you mean, can I get it up now? Yes. Since I have been here in Hawaii with you, all I have to do is look at you and I’m hard. You may not have noticed how many times I have had to adjust myself today.”

“James, have you seen a doctor about this? I mean, what happens if…”


I swallowed hard. “What happens if I cannot convince you to come back with me? Am I prepared to die

a virgin?”

Lily looked at me with embarrassed eyes. “Yes.”

“I do not plan to die a virgin, Lily. I haven’t given up hope that I can fix things somehow and bring you


“But, James, we already talked about this. … I don’t know if I can ever do that.”

“I know, Lily, but I still want to try. I do not expect you to come back with me tomorrow or even next week

or next month. But I do want you to give me a chance to make the pack a safe place for you again.

“But what if you can’t? Or…. what if you can and I still do feel not comfortable going back?”

“I will not force you to do anything you do not want to do, Lily.”

She sat down on her bed and laid back on her pillow, clearly overwhelmed. Unfortunately, that was all it

took to remind me of where the conversation in this room started. I felt the sudden rage building up in

me again.

I stood up.




She sat up. “About what part?”

“The part where I said I would not force you to do anything you do not want to do.”


I went over and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder. “You are spending the night in my room tonight. Don’t worry; there are two beds in my room and I will not try anything. I just cannot stomach you

laying in a bed or on a pillow that is coated in Brady’s scent.”

“JAMES!” she yelled, squirming.

“Sorry, Lily. But you are going to have to give me tonight.”

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