Chapter 577

Sylvia fell on the calf that Odell had broken previously and immediately gasped in pain

Aunt Tonya rushed out from her room upon hearing the loud thud and found Sylvia on the ground just outside the door. She ran over to help Sylvia up and asked, “Syl, what happened to you? Did you hurt yourself?”

Sylvia gasped and said to her, “Aunt Tonya, please look for Sebastian and ask him to contact Odell's driver.”

Aunt Tonya suspiciously asked, “Why do you need him to contact Odell's driver?”

“I just saw a piece of news about a car crash and one of the cars involved looked a lot like Odell's.” Aunt Tonya's expression changed. “Okay. You go inside and sit down, I'll go look for Sebastian.” She then ran next door.

Sylvia was not in the mood to go back into the house. Besides, the pain on her calf prevented her from moving properly as well.

She sat back down at the top of the stairs and waited anxiously.

A few minutes later, Aunt Tonya came running back from next door.

Aunt Tonya smiled at her and said, “Sebastian contacted the driver. They are fine and they will be back soon.”

She finally calmed down upon receiving the update. However, now that her anxiety had been eased, she seemed to feel the pain in her calf more intensely. Clenching her teeth in pain, she forced a smile on her face and asked, “Aunt Tonya, could you take me to the hospital?”

Aunt Tonya sighed. “Girl...”

Sylvia had slipped and hurt her leg again, just because she thought something had happened to Odell.

Aunt Tonya really did not know what to say about her anymore.

Meanwhile in a hospital near the Old District, Tara woke up after having been transferred out of the ICU.

She lay on the bed as she looked at Odell with her reddened, teary eyes.

"Odell, thank you for saving me.”

Odell merely glanced at her. Upon knowing that she was fine, he prepared to leave. Tara then burst into tears and said, “Odell, it's not what you think I didn't do anything to provoke those men, I've just been trying to earn a living with my own hands, but I was unlucky enough to encounter them on my way back from work. I was so afraid...”

Odell's expression was cold. “You don't need to explain yourself. I only saved you because I just happened to be passing by.”

He then walked towards the exit.

"Odell, wait!” Tara anxiously raised her voice.

Ahint of annoyance appeared on Odell's face as he frowned. “What is it?"

Feebly, Tara looked at him and pulled out a sapphire ring from her pocket.

Odell looked at her coldly.

Tara meekly said, “I've been meaning to return this ring to you. Now that you are here, it's time to give it back.”

She curled her lips into a warm and kind smile.

The smile reminded Odell of that rainy night, where he had almost been killed, ten years ago. Had Tara not showed up just on time, he would either have been beaten or frozen to death.

Either way, after he had survived that deadly night, he had been determined to regain everything from his stepmother and chase that woman out of the company.

It was also that night that he had been reborn into a different man.

It was not too much of an exaggeration to say that his current achievements had all been made possible because of Tara.

After a long silence, the icy look in his eyes warmed up a little. “Since I already gave it to you, It's yours. You don't need to return it to me.”

Tara's eyes gleamed upon hearing his words. Weakly, she tried to sit up and said, “Odell, I know I was wrong and I shouldn't have lied to you but had my reasons. I have lived in torment from the moment we separated...”

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