Chapter 97 Remington Is Jealous

Chapter 97 Remington Is Jealous

"Yes, I'm curious. Why are you at our house?"


Samson was so excited that he forgot to ask why Cecelia was there.

"You can ask Mr. Nelson about it." Cecelia said and looked at Remington with her arms crossed.

Samson turned to Remington and asked, "What's going on? Is she...?"

"She's your sister-in-law," Remington answered without any change in expression.

Although he may soon end his relationship with Cecelia, as long as they were still together, he would not allow anyone to make advances toward her.

He could not tolerate Samson showing too much attention to Cecelial in front of him.

"Dream girl? Love? Brat, you don't stand a chance," thought Remington to himself.

"My sister-in-law?"

After hearing Remington's response, Samson felt as if he had been struck by lightning and was shocked beyond belief.

The dream girl he had been desperately searching for had become his sister-in-law, which was simply unbelievable.

"You're my sister-in-law, who came to bring good luck to Remington. by marrying him? Samson's jaw dropped to the ground as he stared at Cecelia in great shock. "Yes."

Cecelia gave a faint response, walked past Samson toward Remington, and pushed the wheelchair over to help Remington sit on it. She then pushed Remington toward the dining room. Samson was still stunned, and as he thought about it, he felt heartbroken.

"Oh, no! How could my dream girl become my sister-in-law? It's too heartbreaking," he exclaimed inwardly.

As the food was served, Cecelia politely asked, "Mr. Samson, have you had dinner? Would you like to join us?”

"He won't get starved. The Aroma Villa doesn't have any extra utensils for him," Remington said without any courtesy, showing a "no hospitality" attitude. Chapter 97 Remington Is Jealous


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Faced with Cecelia's invitation, Samson had intended to nod, but Remington disliked him, and Samson didn't think he could eat with them.

At this moment, Samson looked sad, embarrassed, and even a bit ashamed.

"No, thanks! Enjoy your food! I'll leave first."

After saying that, Samson rushed out of the living room without looking back.

After Samson left, Cecelia heard Remington let out a strange laugh, and she asked, "What's so funny?"

"Well, I'm just in a good mood."

Remington was in a good mood because he disliked his stepmother Renee's two children and he felt the pleasure of revenge when he saw Samson's embarrassed look.

After all, Remington married Samson's dream girl, which was surely a heavy blow to Samson.

Cecelia ignored Remington's confusing behavior and went out to look for her son.

Recently, Andres liked to go to the Nelson family's large library and spend his free time there."

The private library of the Nelson family was filled with a vast collection of books.

When Cecelia arrived, she met Fredric there. Her son was sitting on a tall shelf, swinging his legs and reading contentedly.

Fredric kept urging him to come down, his voice growing h oa rse.

"Mr. Andres, would you please come down? It's dangerous up there. Come down and I'll take you to buy some delicious snacks. Or we can go out for fun. You can play whatever you want." No matter what Fredric said, the little boy ignored him, and Fredric couldn't do anything about it.

"Alas! Why is it so difficult to get his hair? But this is Mr. Nelson's order. I must accomplish it no matter what. I'll just wait for him here. Let me see how long he can stay up there," thought Fredric to himself. When Cecelia walked in, Fredric looked like he had seen a savior and quickly stood up.

"Miss Linsey, please get Mr. Andres down. He climbed so high up there. It would be dangerous if he fell."

Chapter 97 Remington Is Jealous

"Okay," Cecelia looked up at her son and said, "Andres, come down.


After hearing her soft shout, the little guy immediately put down the book and came down from the shelf. Cecelia caught him below.

Fredric was on the verge of tears and thought, "Why has Mr. Andres ignored me even if I talked so much? Why did he obey Cecelia so much just after she said a few words? Is this what they call a miracle?" In fact, Cecelia had overheard that Remington and Fredric were discussing the paternity test. She knew that Fredric had been waiting until now just to get the child's hair and felt sorry for him. Then she touched her son's little head and said, "Andres, your hair is getting long. Let Fredric take you to get a haircut.'

Fredric was grateful and excited to hear this suggestion. He thought, "Yes, a haircut! That's a great idea!"

"Your nails are also getting long, so get them trimmed as well."

"Oh, my goodness! Miss Linsey is truly thoughtful. Things will be easier with nails," Fredrick exclaimed inwardly.

Andres exchanged a glance with his mother, understanding that she had a purpose for the arrangements.

After leaving the library, Cecelia entrusted the child to Fredric. "Mr. Ingerwood, please take Andres there! Thank you for your hard

"Don't mention it! This is what I should do."

Fredric happily took on the task and left with the child.

Watching the vehicle drive away, Cecelia called the people in Verda Hill and gave some instructions.

On the way back to the Aroma Villa, she met Samson again under a nearby street lamp.

Samson gathered his courage to meet Cecelia, but he was afraid of upsetting Remington and didn't dare to get close to the Aroma Villa. However, he did not expect to meet her on the road outside. "Miss Leah?"

"Mr. Samson, it's so late now. Why don't you go back and sleep?" Cecelia's tone was flat.

"Well, I'm jogging on the way and happened to pass by."

"Wow Mr Samson You even ion in a suit and leather shoes? You're

Chapter 97 Remington Is Jealous

really unique." Cecelia contradicted his excuse, making Samson instantly embarrassed.

Seeing that she was about to walk away, Samson gathered his courage and said, "Miss Leah! Actually, I came to find you."

Remington leaned on his cane and made his way out of the Aromal Villa.

He had grown worried because Cecelia didn't return after being gone for a while, and he went out to look for her.


During the day, he could still see a little bit, but at night, he could see nothing.

Without his cane, he would have trouble moving around.

As he groped his way to the garden, his keen hearing picked up the sound of people talking nearby.

It was Samson's voice.

Remington perked up his ears to listen.

"Miss Leah, I've heard that you and my younger brother have an arranged marriage agreement. Is it true that when the deadline comes, you will divorce and leave the Nelson family?"

Samson had asked his mother about Cecelia's situation. His mother told him that Cecelia was only here for a short time to bring Remington luck for his recovery and that she would leave afterward. To Samson this was undoubtedly great news.

"Yes, is there a problem?" Cecelia didn't avoid the topic.

After getting the response, Samson suppressed his joy and said, "No problem. I just wanted to ask you. If you divorce Remington, can I pursue you?"

"Da'n it! As I expected, this brat wants to steal my wife," Remington cursed inwardly, unable to stay calm. He added in his head, "I'm not dead yet, and haven't divorced my wife. How can he come to chase her so impatiently? Didn't he say in the living room of the Aroma Villa that he wouldn't covet anything that belongs to me? What a cun ning hypocrite! What a double-faced b astard!"

As soon as Remington thought about how much Cecelia liked young and handsome men, and Samson happened to fit that description, Sebastian couldn't help but feel uneasy, afraid that he would be cu ckolded.

He was restless and wondered, "Would Cecelia accept that brat?"

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