Chapter 91 Something Wrong with His Death.

"I don't know. I'll get in touch and ask."

Fredric called Terrell and found that he couldn't get in touch with Terrell. "What's the matter?"

Remington thought of something. He looked cold and ordered Fredric, "Fredric, you and Winger go! Something may have happened!" "I know, Mr. Nelson!"

Fredric told Winger this and they ran out of the door soon.


Verda learned about what happened to Cecelia just now and called it so dangerous.

Next, he might have to follow her at any time.

The car arrived at the shantytown in the old city.

Cecelia and Verda had just entered the alley, not far away, and just happened to meet the gang of the last time.

When they met head-on, the head of the gangster saw Cecelia, and he was so frightened that he and other people wanted to hide. What bad luck they had!

They met Cecelia again!

They hadn't forgotten the lesson of being beaten last time!

Now it was too late to retreat, so they could only go forward! "Miss Linsey, you are here!

"I didn't know you were coming. I didn't prepare for anything.

"You are going to work, aren't you!

"We won't delay your business. Goodbye!"

The head of the gangsters said flatteringly, and then he retreated. As soon as the voice fell, he quickly slipped away with his group of bros. Verda looked at that and said, "Aren't too s tupid! Gone."

Cecelia continued to walk forward. Soon, they came to Paul's house.

Verda opened the broken door, entered the courtyard and shouted, "Uncle Paul, are you at home?"

No one replied. Verda opened the door of the ball and walked in to

Chapter 91 Something Wrong with His Death.

find Paul.

But the next second, Cecelia heard Verda scream, "Ah, Miss Linsey!"

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Cecelia frowned and walked over to see Verda standing in the room. motionless, as if he had been nailed to the ground. There was a smell of blood.

Cecelia sniffed out the faint floating smell in the air, followed the smell and rushed into the inner room to see the man who died in the


Paul was dead!

Lying in a pool of blood!

"He's dead!"

Cecelia said in surprise.

"That's right. He's dead!"

Verda looked grim. He realized that Paul's death was very strange.

Cecelia looked around, and then squatted down to check Paul's breath and body temperature. It could be concluded that, "The time of his death was about an hour ago! We are a bit late!" If Cecelia had not been abducted to the development zone before, and if she could have arrived at Paul's home on time, maybe he would not have died.

"Who killed him?"

Verda looked at it, and there was no sign of fighting at the scene that was to say, before Paul died, he might not have seen who killed him. "There was a hole in the glass. He was shot between his brows and shot through his head, so there was a lot of blood.

"It means that the killer must have been outside at that time, shooting from a distance. Accurate shooting. It must not be an ordinary killer!" Cecelia made a simple analysis, and then asked, "Who killed Paul? Why killed him? Is it the same person who killed Aunt Ida?" Verda didn't know either. Looking at the man on the ground, He frowned and asked, "Miss Linsey, Paul is dead. What should we do now?"

"Call the police first!"

Chapter 91 Something Wrong with His Death.

"Oh, good." Verda immediately contacted the police.

Cecelia stood up and began to search for valuable things in the room. Unfortunately, the place where Paul lived was a mess, and there was no clue.



But Cecelia inadvertently found something in Paul's hand. She squatted down and took half an old picture with blood from his palm.

It could be seen from half of the photo that Paul's body was torn in two. In the remaining half, he put his one hand around a man and she could see the man's face clearly. Cecelia recognized it as Lorenzo!

Lorenzo had gone crazy. Now he was in the m ental hospital, so it could eliminate Lorenzo's suspicion first.

Then it could only be said that Lorenzo and Paul had a good relationship at that time.

Cecelia was thinking about what this picture was telling her.

Why was Paul holding half a picture when he died?

So where was the other half of the photo?

Who would be on that half?

Turning to the back, Cecelia saw the name written on the back. Because it was torn, there was only one word left: Brennan.

When she saw the word, Cecelia quickly thought of a person's name

Brennan Hooper.


It was that man!

He was also one of the cremators in Peace Mountain Funeral Parlor.

Verda had checked the files of those people. She remembered Brennan.

Aware of something, Cecelia turned and walked out of the broken house.

Verda saw her coming out of the house and asked, "Boss, did you find any clues?"

"Find half a picture. Look!"

"This is Paul... And Lorenzo!"

Chapter 91 Something Wrong with His Death


Verda also recognized the two people. "What about the other half?" "It's gone. I suspect that the person on the other half is Brennan!" Cecelia said her theory, "If they intentionally want Paul to die, it is very likely to prevent me from investigating. Lorenzo is mad, and Paúl is déad, so who is the next one?

Verda got it quickly. "Brennan?!"

“That's right! If I'm right, Paul tore that half of the photo. It must be to hide something."

"Is it for protecting Brennan?"

"It's possible!"

Cecelia took a deep breath and ordered, "Inform Dark Moon that Brennan must be found as soon as possible.

Dark Moon was Cecelia's organization. If it wasn't for the people from Dark Moon, she and her several children would have been killed.

They waited for about half an hour, and several policemen came. over, "We received a call that a homicide happened here!"

"Yes, yes, police, I called!"

Verda came forward, first shook hands with each other, and then took them to the house to see, "Look, when we came here today, we found that Paul died in the house." Several police officers saw the dead and quickly began to investigate the scene. Someone asked Verda, "You haven't moved anything in the house, have you?"

"No, we are here to protect this place."

"Well, what's the relationship between you and the dead?"

"Nothing, we're here to ask him something."

As the police asked, they began to write notes.

Verda explained every reason why they came here to the police, and several policemen informed the forensic doctors to come here for examination.

Seeing that it was no use for them to stay here, Verda asked, "Officer, can we go back?

"You can go, but after the investigation and evidence collection, it's possible that we will come to you.

Chapter 91 Something Wrong with His Death.

Cecelia and Verda left the shantytown together.

On the way back, the two were very quiet, probably affected by Paul's death. Cecelia was a little upset. 17 12:53

She couldn't just simply look at the event that her mother's ashes. were transferred as an accident.


When she was checking the ashes, she could feel that there was a kind of resistance in the dark, which had been preventing her from finding the truth. Who was it?

What did it have to do with her mother's death?

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