The preparations for the new movie were coming to an end. Shooting would start soon. However, Trinity did not seem to be fully in it. She had missed a few meetings.

When Cordelia asked her out for a cup of coffee, she put it down after taking two sips. She looked out of the window, moody.

Cordelia felt she looked like those female leads in movies who had just broken up.

She felt a squeeze in her heart as she thought that.

What would Trinity do about the movie if she had just broken up? She knew that a person like her, who relied on her talent, would prioritize her mood and inspiration in order to direct movies. Cordelia wanted to talk to her, but she could not bring it up if Trinity did not.

She was bored, so she took out her phone and began scrolling. Suddenly, a video caught her attention.

It was a beautiful girl singing while playing the guitar. Her voice was sweet, and her fans were giving her gifts. More than 100,000 people were watching her live stream.

Cordelia smiled, "I didn't imagine Michelle to be so influential. It seems N is going to be loaded."

"What?" Trinity jumped up as if she was electrocuted when she heard the name. She quickly sat next to her.

She stared at the screen while clenching her fists.

"Hah... What's this!" She was disdainful. "It's not good."

Cordelia glanced at her.

The cool-looking director's face oozed out the jealousy of a girl. It was not the revengeful one, but there was sadness in her jealousy.

She lowered her head and picked up the tissue on the table. She tore it into strips.

Cordelia was stunned. "Why did you have such a reaction when I said that?"

She was the one who should have had a big reaction. That was Zephyr's admirer!


Trinity took a deep breath in and held it for a while. She finally squeezed out. "I-I don't like you complimenting her! I'm influential too!"

"Yes, you are." Cordelia blinked. "But you're a director, and she's a singer. You guys are in different industries. How can you compare yourselves like that?"

"No matter what, you can't compliment her from now on!" Trinity pouted. "Not even once!"

Her upset look was completely different from how she usually was.

Cordelia was quite confused, but she agreed anyway. She stopped watching the video immediately.

"Oh yeah. We'll postpone the shooting of the movie." Cordelia looked at her.


"You forgot? It's the Tanner Group's celebration banquet this weekend!"

The Tanner Group was revamped, and it was Mandy on the throne now.

Thanks to her connections, the company shares shot up again.

The company would be passed down to Kelly sooner or later. Mandy sent out invitations to many people to pave the path for her.

Among the guests, other than the three families, there were also friends in business and important figures from the entertainment industry, such as the best actor, Neil, and the talented director, Trinity. However, she had not been feeling herself lately. Had Cordelia not reminded her, she would have forgotten about it.

"I don't want to go if I can be honest!" Trinity held her cheeks while staring at the cold coffee.

"But the Tanners are one of the four families, after all. What right does an insignificant director like me have to reject them?"

"You sure have looked through the whole thing!" Cordelia patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. I know you dislike entertaining, so I'll be right by your side, okay?"

"You?" Trinity smiled awkwardly. "I'll be fired the next day!"

Her expression changed as she smiled shyly and said slowly, "Oh yeah, Cordelia. Do you know... who will be there?

"W-Will Mr. Constable be there?"

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