Janine sat down next to him. "Son, h-how did you know?"

Zephyr was rendered speechless. "Mom, do I look stupid to you?"

Janine kept silent.

"You can understand something like this with just a slight analysis!" Zephyr frowned.

He was just aware and had analyzed it too late.

Actually, all of this could be traced back to when the three of them were stranded on the deserted island.

He finally understood why Rowan kept his eyes on Cordelia and was concerned for her, just like how he would for his daughter. She was his actual daughter!

"Mom, what's going on? Rowan's already back. Why isn't he reuniting with Cordelia?"

Janine looked at him and sighed. She pushed the documents waiting for her attention to one side and told her secretary on duty that no one was allowed to enter the office.

She then made a pot of chamomile tea and told Zephyr everything in the past.

"This is why Rowan doesn't dare meet Xyla or reunite with Cordelia."

Janine gnashed her teeth. "The sc*mbag cost Xyla's whole life. What face does he have to meet her now?"

Zephyr's expression was slightly dark as he stayed silent on the couch, recalling Rowan's recent actions.

He thought that it meant Rowan was not planning to go back to Southeast Aciatic for the time being since he was already here in Centrolis and had taken on the joint hospital project. Not returning to Southeast Aciatic meant he wanted to reunite with Cordelia. It was just that a timely opportunity was missing.

Zephyr analyzed calmly. "Mom, Cordelia can't be kept in the dark her whole life."

"Yes, this is also what I'm worried about." Janine looked grim. "Xyla's health hasn't been the best. Who knows what will happen if she sees him and thinks of the sad past?

"And Cordelia too... If she finds out that he's her father, she'll definitely be unable to accept it!"

"Rowan's the one who did them wrong," Zephyr said seriously. "I can understand what he felt at that time, but I disagree with what he did."

If he truly loved someone, he would protect them no matter what. Like how he was to Cordelia, he would rather be stabbed and keep Cordelia safe.

"Yes, he can't be forgiven!" Janine said angrily, "Xyla did say that the Irwins did Rowan wrong in the first place, but Rowan's really brutal too! An eye for an eye, yet Cordelia and Carter were involved innocently and became the sacrifice of the last generation's fight... How could this be forgiven?

"So, Rowan absolutely mustn't be forgiven!"

"Mom, I didn't say that he's unforgivable." Zephyr looked at her and thought for a moment. "I actually think that it'd be a good thing that he reunites with Cordelia."

"What did you say?"

"The fact that they're related by blood can never be changed." Zephyr furrowed his brows. "It's clear that Rowan regrets seeking revenge against the Irwins immensely. He feels guilty about Cordelia, so he'll do more for her."

"You..." Janine was speechless.

As expected of her son, he was levelheaded and spoke matter-of-factly. He would never be emotional and could always calmly analyze the situation to benefit from it and avoid the cons.

It was just that Cordelia was the one involved this time.

"Son, you have to think of Cordelia's feelings," Janine said softly. "Put yourself in her shoes. How could she easily forgive a father who has been absent for over 20 years and made them suffer so much?"

"But Rowan's still her father." Zephyr met her gaze. "Mom, Cordelia's from the Irwins in Southeast Aciatic. Grandpa won't stop our marriage with this status of hers!"

Janine laughed dryly. "You're talking as if the old man can stop you without this identity!"

"Yeah, he won't be able to stop me." Zephyr smiled. "But it's different."

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