Zephyr was astonished. "Mr. Irwin, you're... minding this too?"

"What? I can't?" Rowan glared at him. "I'm-"

He was hesitant to speak halfway through his sentence. He coughed. "You two haven't gotten married, right? What do you think it looks like when you sleep together before you're married!?" Zephyr glared at him.

He had no idea what was up with Rowan. He was sometimes nice to him, but he picked on him most of the time. When he was nice to him, though, it was because of Cordelia. "Zephyr!" Cordelia ran to the front and waved at him excitedly. "Come look, quickly!"

"What is it?"

"This is a mountain spring, right?" She said with a smile, "I see that it's flowing down from the mountain."

"This means that there's fresh water here!" Zephyr smiled as well. He then scanned around and observed carefully, going to a tree.

"What is it?"

"Centrolis has this tree too..." He considered it and said, "This means that we're not far from Centrolis.

"Josiah and the others should be able to find us here soon."

"Rowan nodded. "The weather here is similar to Centrolis', and I've seen Centrolis' map. There are a few small islands by the side that aren't developed.

"We could very well be on one of those islands!"

Zephyr met his eyes and saw a hint of a smile in them.

The trio grew more confident. As they returned to the cabin, they discussed what they would do while waiting for rescue.

Since they could not tell the time, Cordelia suggested carving a line on the table each passing day.

They had sufficient resources from the yacht, so they dried the sheets on the deck while the sun was out. Other than when it was necessary, they refrained from using electricity.

Cordelia wracked her brain to make food taste better.

Three days slipped by unknowingly...

The night breeze was chilly. Rowan looked afar, sitting on the deck. The moon was quiet and gentle like the water. It had been a long time since he watched the moon like this. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. When he turned around, he saw Zephyr walk over with a blanket.

"It's chilly at night. This is for you," he said softly.

Rowan was surprised.

"No need to look at me like this." Zephyr snorted. "Cordelia asked me to bring it over."


"Don't say her name like that!" Zephyr scowled.

Rowan was not angry. He only nodded lightly. A small smile flashed across his face when he took the blanket.

Zephyr sat next to him with two cans of beer.

"It's not good for your health drinking too much." Rowan pursed his lips. "And I notice you smoke a lot. You hid the pack of cigarettes found in the cabin, huh?" Zephyr scowled.

"Never mind, I won't tell Cordelia." Rowan smiled. "But watch it."

"Mm, I know." Zephyr's answer was perfunctory.

"What do you know?" Rowan eyed him disdainfully. "You'll only be able to protect Cordelia when you protect yourself well!"

Zephyr opened a can of beer and looked at the older man with a complex gaze. "Mr. Irwin, why are you so concerned about Cordelia?"

"Hah, you aren't jealous, are you?" Rowan pressed his lips together. "You don't think that I have ulterior motives toward her at this age, do you?"

"It's not impossible," Zephyr said intentionally. "You're high in status. What kind of woman can't you have!?"

"You... You actually think this lowly of me?"

"Of course not." Zephyr smiled. "I think it's more like... an elder to a junior with how you're treating Cordelia." Rowan stayed silent.

Zephyr probed. "Mr. Irwin, I heard Cordelia say that your children aren't with you. Where are they now?" "Don't ask what you shouldn't." Rowan pulled a long face. "Take care of those around you first!"

Josiah had been anxiously searching for the missing trio these days. His parents had berated him over the matter, but he did not even know how two of Matthew's guys had gotten into the yacht and how the yacht had just strayed from its course and gone right to the deep blue-with a storm that day as well.

There was no GPS location from the yacht, and their phones could not be contacted, so Josiah sent people to search the surrounding islands around Centrolis.

He went to the hospital this day to try his luck, seeing if Seth had received any message from Zephyr. However, he saw a pale and frail figure by the hallway's corner.

The side profile was so beautiful and sad that it made one's heart ache.

Josiah's mind went blank as if a stick had hit him. It was until the girl walked away that he snapped back to himself and gave chase.

"Kelly? Kelly!"

When he went over, the girl was gone.

Josiah panted and looked at the empty hallway in disappointment. When he was about to leave, a familiar face appeared before him. "Nelly?"

"Long time no see, Josiah!"

Josiah did not want to talk to her and forced a smile.

"You were looking for someone?"

"Oh... no," Josiah said, turning around, "Do whatever. I'm leaving."

"Hey!" Nelly called for him with a vicious smirk. "Is the person you're looking for named Kelly?"

"How did you know?" Josiah jolted.

"The whole hospital could hear you with how loud you were shouting.”

"You know Kelly?" Josiah looked at her in puzzlement.

Nelly smiled and nodded.

"Tell me where she is!"

"She... passed away a long time ago!" Nelly looked unfazed. “Josiah, I was puzzled why you'd call for a dead person when you shouted the name just now."

Josiah widened his eyes in disbelief. "She's... dead?"

It felt like thunder struck him out of nowhere, emptying his chaotic mind. He remembered that night, remembered the girl's pale face and frail body. He remembered that she had said she was someone who had stolen time from the grim reaper...

He shuddered violently.

"Kelly's actually my younger sister," Nelly said softly. "She had a congenital disease and died. Josiah, how did you know this name? You wouldn't have encountered a supernatural episode, would you?" Josiah stumbled back in silence.

Nelly snickered and walked in the opposite direction.

When she passed by a storeroom, she looked around to make sure that no one was following her before she opened the door and entered.

Kelly was sitting on the cold floor and looking at her fearfully.

"Wow, baby sis, you're really something!" Nelly grabbed her chin, piercing her red nails into her flesh. "Hooked up with Josiah Bayer now, hmm? I've really underestimated you!"

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