Rowan paused. His throat felt choked up, and his gaze turned sorrowful.

Cordelia thought that she had triggered something sad and felt guilty. She quickly diverted the topic. "Sir, your cat looks quite well. It doesn't look like it's sick!"

"Oh..." Rowan recovered and plastered on a smile. "It... isn't feeling too well these days either. I think it's better to check it out."

"But this line is really long." Cordelia sighed.

The veterinary hospital was not big, but the cats and dogs were hard to control. They could not speak and could only cry their discomfort out. Even an experienced vet would take some time with each pet. "It's not your turn yet." Rowan smiled. "Why don't I take a look at your cat?"

Cordelia was surprised. "You're a vet?"

"I'm a doctor."

She smiled. "Sir, you treat humans, but you can treat animals too?"

Rowan refused to miss this chance to interact with her, so he insisted. "Theoretically, you grasp a concept in medicine, and you're able to comprehend the rest. It shouldn't be a problem!"

Cordelia frowned.

That was not what Seth had said. He always said that professionals specialized in different fields. A professional and complicated field like medicine, especially, required even more specialization. "It's still a long queue anyway!" Rowan said with a smile, "Let me check it out! I have an ancestral secret formula!"

Cordelia smiled. She put Ginger down skeptically.

In order to chat longer with his daughter, Rowan treated a cat for the first time in his life. It was just that he could not feel where the pulse was or how to check it. He felt around, annoying the cat. Ginger meowed and swatted him, leaving a solid scratch on the back of his hand!

"Ah!" Cordelia was shocked. "Ginger, what are you doing!?"

A few red lines appeared on the back of Rowan's hand and swelled instantly.

Cordelia paled and apologized profusely.

"I'm so sorry, sir! I didn't watch it properly..."

"It's fine!"

Although the back of Rowan's hand throbbed, he was smiling.

Cordelia was extremely guilty. "Let me take you to get a shot for the wound first!"

"No need!" Rowan waved her off. "It's just a small wound. It's really okay." "But it'll get infected..."

"I have anti-inflammatory meds. I'll put some on after I disinfect it later. It'll be alright."

Cordelia bit her lips. "Sir, my cat scratched you. I should take responsibility for it."

Rowan looked at her quietly with a loving gaze.

She was a girl but was brave to shoulder things. She was much stronger than a lot of men. She had Irwin blood in her-and she would not disappoint.

"Ask for any compensation you wish. I'll surely-"

"It's really fine," replied Rowan. He suddenly had an idea and smiled. "If you really feel so bad about it, we can exchange contact numbers. If I feel unwell after I go back, I can contact you. What do you think?" Cordelia was more than willing and nodded fervently.

Both of them exchanged their numbers.

At the same time, it was finally Cordelia's turn. She picked up Ginger and turned back to glance at him apologetically.

Rowan smiled and waved, incredibly content as he watched her back.

Mrs. Bayer's recital on the sea was held as planned.

The sky was a brilliant blue with the sun shining. The calm sea seemed to be gilded and breathtaking when the waves glimmered from the breeze.

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