"You despicable man!"

Rowan was red from anger.

Matthew grinned at him with a sly gaze and ill intentions.

Rowan had been clueless about Zephyr's private jet crash. He had gotten to know Matthew over several events back then, and they, at most, could be considered acquaintances.

The Irwins in Southeast Aciatic ran a commercial airport other than manufacturing medicines. A few big air terminals in the region were also under their authority.

That was how Matthew had his idea. He somehow brought a technician into the airport without Rowan's knowledge and tinkered with Zephyr's plane... He then produced an insurance policy with a huge sum insured and told Rowan that he was the beneficiary of the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Never in Rowan's dream would it occur to him that he would be framed for this disgusting and repulsive extent!

"Mr. Irwin, if word about this gets out, the outsiders won't listen to your explanation. They'll only assume that someone under you harmed Zephyr!

"Your lifetime of reputation will be ruined then!"

Rowan took a deep breath and left after an abhorring glance at the insurance policy.

Later, he felt guilty and asked around for Zephyr's whereabouts. Upon discovering that he was not dead, he thought that this was a chance God had given him, so he sent someone to check on Zephyr's condition in secret and give him the medicine.

The dosage he had given back then was enough to support Zephyr for two to three years. The duration was about to come to an end now... Rowan looked at Matthew impatiently. "Matthew Hamerton, I'm not some saint, but I'd never conspire with someone like you either!" Matthew snickered. "Hah, Mr. Irwin, don't talk of yourself so highly! Who doesn't know your interesting history of getting up the ranks!?" "No matter how interesting it is or how interested people are, they wouldn't dare talk about it in front of me. Know why?"

Rowan kept his hands behind with a powerful presence.

"It's because I'm already up there!

"While you, Mr. Matthew Hamerton..." He stepped closer to Matthew with a sense of oppression. "You might never get up here!"


"To be honest with you, I'm here in Centrolis to send medicine to the child." Rowan dusted his sleeves and looked at Matthew with a smile. "Matthew Hamerton, it won't be possible for you to rise up anymore when I completely heal him, right?"

"Rowan Irwin!" Matthew was flustered.

He had wanted to threaten the man only for the latter to counter him!

"Rowan Irwin, I'm telling you!" Matthew yelled at his back, "It's no use that you pander to that rascal! That b*stard isn't just ambitious. He's inhumane! Pander to him, and you'll end up dead one day!" Rowan had just gotten to the door when he halted his steps and turned around to slowly walk back to him.

Matthew froze, looking at Rowan's smirk, but he did not see the latter's fists with popped veins on the sides of his body.

"What did you call that child?"

"W-What?" Matthew did not quite get him.

Rowan smiled, discreetly putting his hand into his pants pocket and holding a silver needle.

"Stop yapping with me!" Matthew rolled his eyes. "Rowan, we aren't saints. Stop calling the kettle black! You think that b*stard won't look for you to settle the score? He'll definitely think you're part of this! "Work with me, Irwin! Let's kill that b*stard together. When I get the Hamerton Group, I'll definitely—


Before Matthew could finish his sentence, Rowan stabbed a needle at the back of his ear. Matthew's eyes rolled back, and he fell right onto the couch.

Rowan was familiar with the acupuncture points on the human body. He often treated patients holistically and had a small box of silver needles in his pocket. He just did not expect that he would use them like this today.

He scoffed and looked at Matthew in disdain, opening the door to call the Hamertons' servants.

"Your Mr. Matthew is just asleep," he told them flatly. "When he wakes up later, give him some warm water!"

The underlings looked at each other in shock.

"Mr. Irwin, why did he fall asleep so suddenly?"

"Why?" Rowan turned away with a cold gaze. "Ha, it's because he should shut up already!"

He left after that.

The people in Centrolis were weird. He met Nelly Tanner in the auction the other day, who slandered his daughter, and then Matthew kept calling his son-in-law a b*stard!

Could he swallow this? Of course not!

If he had stabbed the needle just a little bit off, Matthew could forget about waking up—ever!


When Cordelia got to the company, she could obviously tell it felt merry.

She came to the office to take care of her daily tasks, and Mr. Smith came in to pass a few documents to her.

"What's going on outside?" Cordelia asked curiously. "It sounds like it's a lot of fun!"

"It's a new celebrity we just signed," Mr. Smith explained nonchalantly.

"Who is it?"

"Mona Adams."

Cordelia was astonished.

Mona was a female celebrity who had gotten popular rapidly over these years. She did not have any memorable work, but she was incredibly popular with millions of fans. Recently, she often showed up in variety shows, and the character her team made up for her was the diligent goody two-shoes type.

Mr. Smith said softly, "Ms. Cordelia, Nelly Tanner recommended Mona here."

Cordelia was a little upset about it but said nothing.

Mr. Smith continued. "The Tanners have always worked with the Hamerton Group, and Mr. Zephyr's moves are all under the board of directors' scrutiny.

"If he doesn't get along with Nelly, the board will pressure him. Madam Baker doesn't want him to have too much pressure, so when Nelly pushed Mona over, she didn't reject her..."

"Mm, I understand." Cordelia smiled. "The Tanners and Hamertons' interests are intertwined and complicated. Zephyr has to consider each and every aspect."

"That's right." Mr. Smith breathed in relief. "It's great that you understand, Ms. Cordelia!"

"Where's Madam Baker?"

"Oh, she's back in Chaiseland for a few days. She left this morning," Mr. Smith said with a smile. "She's there to take care of some matters at the finance groups and told me before she left to assist you fully and manage the company artists."

As he spoke, someone barged in. Before they saw the person, they first smelled the perfume and heard a shrill voice.

"I heard that my manager's here? Who is it?"

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