Cordelia paused, not expecting Phil to make such a request, but she did not know how to answer him. After all, the young man was Zennie's whole world right now. She could not bear to embarrass the girl. Cordelia replied with a smile, "Mr. Nelson, which paintings do you like? I'll gift them to you. You can take them home and admire them, and you won't have to take photos around somebody's home, right?" A dark gleam flashed across Phil's eyes. He smirked and scanned Cordelia with a slightly complex look.

What she had said was significant. It sounded friendly and polite, but she emphasized the words "somebody's home". Anyone with a brain could understand what she implied.

Phil looked up and met Cordelia's eyes. The woman was not as weak as he had imagined. Her big eyes were willful and authoritative. The presence she emitted was the same as Zephyr's.

He considered it and kept his phone, answering with a smile. "No need. Thank you, Ms. Cordelia. Mr. Zephyr probably likes these paintings. A servant like me has no right to take something from my master's home."

"Phil.." Zennie went to him to hold his hand gently.

Cordelia could see that Zennie was completely head over heels for Phil, and she could not help being worried. Girls who were in love were the most gullible.

"Mr. Nelson, that's too serious a thing to say," Cordelia replied softly. "Zephyr's actually very open-minded. Besides, we live in a modern world now. The Hamerton family is just your employer. You work, and they pay you, that's all. What do you mean by servant and master!?"

"As I've mentioned, it's our family's good luck to meet an employer like the Hamerton family!" Phil smiled and looked at Zennie, gently combing her bangs for her.

The girl looked shy with a blissful smile.

Despite that, Cordelia still felt uneasy. She was more doubtful, especially when she saw Phil soundly keeping his phone in his pocket.

It was no place for a guest to simply take photos anywhere in somebody's home during their first visit. Even if he was a long-term employee of the Hamertons and had not received much education, he should at least know basic manners.

Moreover, given how major the Hamertons were, their staff must definitely be trained. Some might even be better than senior executives of small and medium enterprises.

How uncultured must Phil be, or did he have an ulterior motive?

"Cordelia, what are you thinking about?" Zennie's sweet voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

The girl was already at the dining table with Phil while Helen was placing dish after dish on the table.

Zennie waved her hand at her. "Cordelia, come! I'm starving!"

"Oh, coming." Cordelia recomposed herself but felt uneasy knowing that Phil had photos of her home on his phone.

She must think of something...

"Ms. Cordelia, go have some!" Helen went to her.

"I..." Cordelia wanted to say that she was not hungry but noticed the look Helen gave her. She mulled over it and caught on.

She smiled at Helen and nodded lightly before going to the round table in the dining hall.

"Zennie, Aunt Helen's a good cook. You must try it today!"

"Mm!" Zennie smiled radiantly and stared at the dishes like a hungry kitten. "I already know how good they are by smelling them! Heh... Uncle Clark's to be blamed. Why didn't he bring Aunt Helen back knowing she's great!?"

"It's not too late that we know now!" Cordelia laughed and saw Helen come over with a pot of soup.

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