Mafia Darling (The Kings of Italy Book 2)
Mafia Darling: Chapter 20

Fausto swallowed audibly, then said, “Turn around.”

I presented him with my back, and he wasted no time before taking the two panels of the dress and pulling hard. Buttons flew to the ground as the expensive silk parted like gauze. He pushed the fabric off my shoulders, down over my hips, and let it fall to my feet. I stood bare in the moonlight.

He hissed through his teeth. “Naked beneath your gown. Sei la mia puttanella, no?”

Even a thong left panty lines, so I’d gone commando all night. “No, I’m a good girl,” I said, covering my breasts with one hand and my mound with the other.

He pushed his hips against my ass and let me feel the erection through his trousers. “You might be a good girl now, but you will soon be a dirty, filthy girl for me.” He knocked my hands out of the way and walked around to my front. “No, don’t hide yourself. Let me see you.”

I slowly let my hands fall and his eyes raked over me, inspecting me. He dragged a fingertip over the peak of my breast and I arched toward him, unable to help myself. The corners of his mouth curled upward. “See? You are eager for it. A dirty girl who wants to get fucked.”

My mouth was dry with wanting, but I said, “No, I’m not dirty. I saved myself.”

His fingers trailed down my stomach, over my mostly bare mound, and into my slit. He hummed in his throat. “Allora . . . just as I thought. Dripping for me. Get on the blanket, piccolina. Let’s fill that needy pussy with its first cock.”

Jesus, okay. He was going to make me come with his words alone. When Fausto decided to play with me, he drove the game to better places, heights I never could imagine.

My body on fire, I stepped on the blanket and laid down. He was still fully dressed, his tailored black suit absolute perfection, and I ran my eyes over him greedily. I had been admiring him all night, his white shirt showing off the olive skin of his throat, the black tie hanging down his powerful chest and flat stomach. And he was mine.

While staring at my pussy, he shucked his suit coat and unbuckled his belt. The outline of his cock was evident in his trousers, proof of how much he liked what we were doing. I pulled my legs together, shielding myself.

He growled. “Widen them. Let me see what belongs to me.” I tentatively spread my thighs, but not enough for his liking. “More. Show me where you need me.”

When I was fully open, he unfastened his trousers and lowered the zipper. Then he reached inside his briefs and took out his dick, now harder than I’d ever seen it. The size of it was fucking impressive and my intake of breath was one hundred percent real.

“No, it’s too big,” I whined. “You’re going to rip me in half.”

He gave himself a rough stroke. “You can take me. You’re going to take all of me and love every second of it.”

Dropping to his knees, he settled between my thighs, spreading me wider to make room for him. I kept my hands at my side, a sacrifice for his pleasure. “That’s it,” he praised, sliding his palms over my skin toward my hips. “Relax, my sweet girl, and let your paparino take care of you.”

Then he switched to Italian and said things not covered in any translator app, while strumming his thumb over my clit. It was obscene how wet I was now, my body aching everywhere as the tension built inside me. “Please,” I breathed, forgetting what we were doing.

His face was taut and flushed, eyes wild, as he reached to line himself up at my entrance. His trousers and briefs rested around his hips, his shirt and tie still on, and I had never wanted him more. I tensed, clenching my pussy to give resistance as he worked the head inside. “Relax,” he crooned. “Let me in. It’s going to feel so good.”

“Okay, signore. I’ll try.” I gave a little huff of air and squirmed as he slid in a bit more. “Is it in yet?”

“No, baby. Just a little bit more. I’m going to need to thrust soon, though. You’re so tight.”

“Will I really be yours after it’s done?”

His hips jerked, sending him deeper, and we both gasped. “Sì, you will be mine. Sempre.”


“It feels strange,” I said, putting a good amount of wonder in my voice. “Way down deep inside me.”

“That is my cock, saying hello to your pussy. We are going to make each other very happy in a moment.”

Inch by inch he stretched me, the invasion so slow, just as if I were still innocent. He was being careful with me and it played into the fantasy, making me hot. I was naked on the ground, and everything around us—including me—belonged to him, and I could think of no better place to spend our wedding night than out in the dirt of his ancestors.

“Yes,” he said, “that is nice, you squeezing me so tight. Do you like the way I feel inside you?”

“I don’t know yet. I feel so full.”

He watched where our bodies were becoming joined. “Look at your beautiful pussy, so wet and ready, sucking me in. Take all of me, like a good girl. I’m going to make this so perfect for you, dolcezza.”

He kept going and the pinch I experienced when he bottomed out was not faked. Fausto was a lot to take. I loved it, though. My man was not easy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Ow.” I tried to shove him off me. “It hurts.”

“No, just relax.” He leaned down and kissed me, though I tried to resist. Undeterred, he held my jaw and kept at it until I began kissing him back, my body softening beneath him. “Oh, my sweet girl,” he murmured. “Va bene, no?”

I nodded and put my hands on his shoulders. “It’s a little better.”

“I am going to move now. Let me fuck you and show you how good it will feel.” He flexed his hips, withdrawing slightly before returning, the thick length dragging over my sensitive walls.

“Oh,” I said, making my eyes round. “I liked that. Will you do it again?”

“Madre di Dio!” he hissed, his eyelids slamming shut as if he were in pain. “Fuck, Francesca.”

I loved driving him wild like this. Could I make him lose his self control and ride me like an animal in the dirt? “Please, Signore Ravazzani. Don’t stop. I’ll be good. Let me feel it just once more.”

That did it.

With a growl, he began pounding into me, thrusting with his powerful body, planting himself inside me like he was trying to imprint on my soul. His clothes were rough against my skin and I held him close, my legs wrapped around his hips. The game was lost in the frenzy, and it became the two of us working, straining in the darkness, with grunts and sighs carried away on the salty breeze. I tasted his skin, his lips, writhing beneath him as he pinned me down and called me filthy and dirty, his little slut—all the names I pretended to hate but secretly loved.

And when he whispered that he was going to fill me up with his seed and get me pregnant with his child, I came so hard I nearly blacked out. My back arched as I trembled, my walls convulsing around his cock, and then he was coming too, thick pulses that sent warm jets into my body. He threw his head back and shouted, his body sealed tight to mine like he never wanted to leave. Like he didn’t want to waste a single drop, like all his come needed to stay inside my pussy.

Finally, he pulled out and pushed onto his knees. Chest heaving, he pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “I am too fucking old for this. You are going to kill me.”

I laughed and ran my bare foot up his thigh, onto his chest. “You love me.”

His expression softened as he captured my leg and held me close. “I do. Ti amo, mia bella moglie.”

“Same, paparino. Did you like your wedding night?”

He yanked up his briefs and trousers and stretched out beside me. His hand came to rest on my abdomen. “I did, very much. I guess it will never be boring with you, at least.”

I leaned up to press a quick kiss to his mouth. “I will always be your dirty mantenuta.”

“You liked it when I said I was going to fill you up and give you a baby.”

Fuck yes, I had. “You liked it when I acted like your little virgin wife, seeing a cock for the first time.”

He cupped my breast and squeezed gently. “I never believed this would turn me on so much, especially as I have fucked a virgin wife before and it was nothing like this.”

“What was it like that first time with Lucia?”

He frowned. “I don’t like discussing her. It feels disrespectful.”

“Why? You aren’t going to trash her, are you?”

He made a face that showed exactly what he thought of my youthful slang. “I don’t like speaking ill of the dead.”

“Afraid you’ll go to hell, il Diavolo?” That earned me a sharp pinch to my nipple. “Fuck, Fausto!”

“That is for your smart mouth, monella.”

The pain spread throughout my body, followed by a rush of endorphins that made my clit pound. “I like that,” I murmured.

“I can tell.” He did it again. “I will buy you nipple clamps. Do you know what they are?”

“Everyone knows what nipple clamps are,” I told him dryly. “You know I have access to the internet, right?”

He pinched me harder this time and I yelped. Heat radiated behind the pain when he let go. “Stop turning me on,” I told him, slapping at his hand. “I want to hear about your first wedding night.”


“Because I want to know about your life before me. I’m curious about Lucia.”

“Nothing good can come of digging into the past, amore.”

I tilted my head to stare at him. “Will you just tell me and stop being so dramatic?”

He sighed heavily and caressed my stomach. His platinum wedding ring winked in the moonlight, a sight that made my heart sigh with happiness. He said, “The ceremony was held at the castello, followed by a nine-course dinner. I could feel her getting more nervous with each course that passed. The crowd also grew rowdier, with chants of ‘bacio’ louder and louder as the night went on. I hadn’t slept with a virgin before, so I had no idea what to expect, but I assumed she had been prepared by her mother or her sisters.”

“Or Google,” I added.

Esattamente. When we got upstairs, it was clear she was ignorant of what was to come. I knew I had to treat her carefully, as a wife and not a mantenuta. There is a very clear distinction here between the two.”

“Except for me.”

His grin was wicked. “Except for you. Allora, I tried to be patient with Lucia, but she wanted it over with as quickly as possible. As if she was determined not to enjoy it, capisce? And we needed the blood on the sheets.”

This didn’t sound like it was going in a positive direction. “So?”

He leaned in and pressed a kiss to my stomach, his breath warm and moist on my skin. “I was not as careful as I should have been with her. She endured it and then it was over. My father was pleased by the blood, though.”

He hardly ever talked of his parents. I had hundreds of questions burning my tongue, but I held them. Something told me I could only prod him so far tonight, and I’d already opened up the wound on his first wife.

His tongue swirled in my belly button. “You are so beautiful. It makes my heart ache just to look at you.”

My chest swelled, and I ran my fingers through his soft hair. “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”

He dropped more kisses where our baby was growing. “It does not matter to me. I have an heir already, so whatever we have is a gift. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to a daughter.”

“The powerful mafia king, sitting at tea parties and letting her paint your nails?”

“It would be an honor. I always wanted many children.”

“That’s because you get to do the easy part.”

He chuckled and repositioned his body between my legs, his mouth moving toward my mound. “Let me repay you, then.”

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