Chapter 29 


I was acting strong, but deep down I was scared. I couldn’t trust anyone, including my mate; after all, he was Tristan’s brother. 

But then, he was also someone whom the Moon Goddess had chosen for me, right? She wouldn’t pair her child with an evil. person, would she? 

I couldn’t even trust my personal omega anymore; who could have thought that she was Luna Opal’s spy? I removed Mom’s pendant, which I had kept in my bra because there was no pocket in my dress. I tried to get angry, recalling everything that everyone did with me-Mom. Jade, Jameson, Raya, Luna Opal, and Tristan. I forced my anger at a vase, hoping it would get covered with frost just like the other day in the washroom, but it wasn’t working. 

“Can I really do that? 1 questioned myself. I wasn’t even sure whether Ezekiel’s invitation was true or not. 

Sighing, I went inside the washroom to freshen up and change into my nightdress before sleeping. While washing my face, I looked into the mirror, recalling that this was the same place that was covered with frost. I used my anger again to do the same, and that was when I saw my eyes turning blue and the area around me starting to get frosty. 

Holly molly! 

Thankfully, it stopped when my mind got distracted. I tried again, and it worked again. From frost, it turned into a thick layer of ice. I kept trying, and immediately I screamed when the mirror broke and fell down on the vanity top. 

I quickly moved away before I could have gotten hurt. 

What surprised me was that it wasn’t a mirror but a rectangular ice block in the shape of a mirror. 

I ran out of the washroom after completing my experiment in the washroom. I changed my dress and sat on the stool in front of the dressing table, combing my hair. I couldn’t help, but like a little girl, I tried to use my powers in the mirror again, but it didn’t work. 

I kept trying, but nothing worked. I could feel that the temperature had dropped, but I couldn’t see ice anywhere. Sighing. I lay on the bed, and my eyes landed on the water jug. It had ice inside it instead of water. It took me a moment to realize that my power works only on water, wet things, or humidity in the environment. 

As much as I wanted to know more about myself and my powers, I didn’t risk breaking other things.. 

“Pink.” His husky voice rang in my ear. He was lying beside me. My hand moved under my pillow, and his hand followed my hand. While I grabbed the dagger, he grabbed my hand from above. “You don’t need a dagger to protect yourself around. me, Pink. I will keep you safe. I will always protect you from all types of danger,” he muttered, nibbing my earlobe. “But there is no one to save you from me,” he added, making my heart race like a horse. 

To be honest, I was scared that even he would behave just like his brother. After all. I sat on his chair and indirectly insulted him and his family. 

“I’ll kill myself before hurting you, Goddess,” he said, making me look at him. “Now, where is your pendant? I got a new chain for you,” he asked. I sighed in relief upon hearing that. I didn’t know I was holding my breath until that moment. 

I inserted my hand inside my top and took out my pendant. “Don’t tell me that you’re wearing a bra even at the time of sleeping and this pendant was inside it 

I smiled, feeling embarrassed. “Yup!” 

“f**k Now I’m jealous of this f**king pendant. “He let out a low growl, and I chuckled because he was jealous of something. Wish that he took out the chain from his pocket. A moment later, I felt the cold metal brushing against my n*eck. He struggled for a minute before a soft click resonated, and throughout the time, my eyes were on his handsonte face. 

Chapter 29 

His closeness and his scent were invading my senses. 

This was the first official gift that I asked for from him. I wondered how he found out about the earnings and the dress that day in the mall. 

“Were you 

in the mall that day?” I asked once he was done. 

“No. Zera bought both the things.” He responded, knowing what I was talking about. 

“So, she knows about us being mates? And she is with us?” 

“No. We’re not that close with whom I share everything. She is keeping her mouth shut for her own selfish reasons. When the right time came, she would ask what she wanted from me. But she is someone who minds her own business and doesn’t 

news from here to there.” 


“Oh.” I mouthed. 

“I should leave now. I’ve got some work,” he said but didn’t move an inch. “I should go.” he repeated, and he moved at a tortoise speed. He sat on the bed and spoke again: “I was wondering if you’re going to thank me for the chain or not?” 

I smiled and shook my head. “Noooooooo.” I responded playfully by stretching ‘o’. He narrowed his eyes and left the bed. 

“I’m leaving then 

“Byeeee. I waved my hand before lifting my head and supporting it with my elbow against the bed. 

“f**k!! I’m not going.” he hissed, lunging at me. 

I laughed and got excited at the same time after getting pressed under him. A part of me didn’t want him to go either. At least not this soon. “I want you,” he muttered, sl*pping his hand inside my nightdress. 

“No.” I shook my head and threw it back in pleasure when he massaged my p**sycat. 

“I can smell your arousal, Goddess. You want this. He tried to convince me, which was still better than his asshole brother. A moan escaped my throat when he entered his thumb inside my core. “Let me worship you,” 

“Pleaseee stoppp.” I couldn’t understand whether I was trying to stop myself from moaning in pleasure. “I don’t want you. inside me as my brother-in-law, Kiel. A sane part of me doesn’t think this is right.” I kept my point by focusing on what I had to say without getting distracted by the pleasure or the way my b*dy was reacting to his touch. 

“We shouldn’t be doing this. This is… wrong.” I whimpered as pleasure consumed me when he inserted his second finger. 


“But.. but it feels so good.” I blurted it out and realized what I just said. Ezekiel gave me a victory smirk, and when I was close, he pulled his fingers out of my core. I was disappointed with it, but it was gone instantly when he spoke. 

“I will have you only when you will be a free woman again” Tears welled in my eyes because of happiness. I watched him sl*p his wet fingers inside his mouth and taste my juice. f**k, that was hot. 

“And that night, I don’t want you to worship like a goddess, but fuck me like a whore,” I found myself saying. I didn’t miss how his eyes twinkled in excitement. 

“You meant it?” He asked. 

“Yes”” I responded, knowing he hated signals and needed words. 

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