Chapter 50 Don’t Blame Me if I Cut Ties With You

Dmitri’s eyes were trained coldly on Shirley. She could feel a chill run up her spine, and she shivered. For the first time, she felt that Dmitri was even more terrifying than Jordan.

She bit her pale lip and drawled, “Dmitri, have you been mistaken… Rachel is my biological sister, so no matter how much I hate her, I would never wish to get her killed. I—”

“Mom, since I’m already here to ask you this, it means that I have come to know some truths myself.” Dmitri walked down the stairs, saying word by word, “I just want to hear the truth. Why did you try to kill her?”

Shirley had never been so terrified before.

Even when Jordan spoke coldly to her, he never glared at her with that look in his eyes.

Facing her was just a 4-year-old, so how could the kid be so aggressive?

She suppressed the fear in her heart and elaborated slowly, “Dmitri, that wasn’t me… I’ve never thought about hurting Rachel; it’s your grandfather who wouldn’t accept her… Dmitri, did you know? Rachel forced your grandfather to give her 25% of the shares. From then on, she is the third-largest shareholder of Yates Corporation, so she has a say in the operations of the company. She came back from abroad this time to exact revenge on the Yates Family, so if Yates Corporation falls into her hands, the company will go bankrupt. Your grandfather put in his entire life’s effort into Yates Corporation, so how could he let the company fall to ruins? That’s why he asked me to find someone to get rid of Rachel… Dmitri, I’m really not as evil as you think I am; I did it so that your grandfather could have peace of mind, and I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. Can you forgive me, Dmitri?”

Dmitri narrowed his eyes as he glared at her. “You mean Grandpa wanted to kill his own daughter?”

Shirley nodded hastily. “Your grandfather didn’t want to do it, but Rachel forced him to take action… Dmitri, if you can help us take the shares she demanded back from her, your grandfather will let her off the hook.”

He softened his gaze ever so slightly, after which he strode over to the couch and sat down, his threatening aura keeping everyone at a distance.

A few seconds later, he responded coldly, “This is a problem between Grandpa and Rachel; it has nothing to do with you. I don’t want to see you commit such a vicious crime ever again. If you do, don’t blame me if I sever ties with a murderer.”

Shirley forcefully bit her lip because she was actually threatened by this ‘mongrel’. She had painstakingly raised these two ‘mongrels’, but they turned against her instead.

Damian was always cold to her. And now, even Dmitri was beginning to threaten her…

I am their mother, so how could they treat me like this?

Shirley was so furious that her chest was heaving.

She couldn’t hold in the anger anymore, so she gritted her teeth and said, “Dmitri, I gave birth to you and brought you up, so how could you say such disrespectful things to me?”

Dmitri was filled with disappointment as he saw her lose her cool.

He couldn’t understand why this sort of woman would be his and Damian’s mother.

Although Dmitri had dreamed of a mother’s love like many children do, she couldn’t give him any. She was always buttering him up and fawning over him, but there was no hint of love in her eyes.

This woman only wanted the position and power of the Fords, so to her, he and Damian were simply tools that she could exploit to achieve that goal.

Even though he had recognized this fact early on, he couldn’t just chase this woman out of his life.

This woman had given birth to him.

This woman had given him his flesh and blood.

Hence, he wouldn’t have existed without this woman.

“Mom, I didn’t want your hands to be tainted with the blood of crime. That’s why I said those things to you.” Dmitri pursed his thin lips and apologized, “I’m sorry, I was too rude. Please forgive me.”

Shirley immediately let out a sigh of relief because she feared that Dmitri would chase her out. Fortunately, this mongrel didn’t dare to.

She cooled herself down and said calmly, “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to kill Rachel ever again.”

She had sent some people to attack Rachel just today, but Dmitri knew of it at first instance. This could only mean that someone in the Ford Family was keeping an eye on her.

Her reputation was at stake, so she definitely wouldn’t give orders in person anymore.

If not, Dmitri’s attitude toward her would worsen even more.

“Why are you here again?”

Damian was walking down from the second floor and displeasure was written all over his small face as soon as he saw Shirley.

The temper that Shirley had arduously calmed down was boiling once again. However, she knew that she had lost her composure once, so she mustn’t let it happen a second time.

She squeezed out a smile as she responded, “Damie, I heard from the butler that you’ve been holed up in your room these few days to study. How did it go?”

“Why are you so concerned?” Damian gave her a look of disdain. “Get out of my house right now. I don’t want to see you even a second longer.”

Jordan wasn’t home, so Damian’s attitude was even more aggressive than usual.

Joe lowered his head, not daring to say a word because he knew that Shirley was the person whom Damian hated the most.

Every time she came to the Ford Residence, Damian would throw a tantrum.

Shirley froze and tried to cajole, “Damie, I know you don’t like me. I’ll leave now, so don’t get angry.”

She stood up, then paused before saying, “Dmitri, I hope you can complete what I asked you to do as soon as possible.”

With that, she finally left the Ford Residence. Damian plopped onto the couch and asked in dissatisfaction, “Dmitri, what did that woman ask you to help her with again?”

“She is our mother, so don’t refer to her as ‘that woman’. You should be more respectful,” Dmitri said coldly. “By the way, have you recently met Rachel?”

At the mention of Rachel, the coldness on Damian’s face immediately dissipated.

He sat on the couch and swung his stubby legs, replying in his soft voice, “Miss Rachel came over last night, and she even made some super delicious food for me. I really like Miss Rachel a lot, and I wish she could stay here with us…”

Dmitri froze. “Did you just say she came over last night?”

“Yes, why?” Damian blinked. “Daddy was the one who brought her here.”

It was enough to cause Dmitri’s heart to sink.

No wonder his grandfather wanted to do something about Rachel. This woman was really cunning to attack them from so many directions that they could hardly guard in time.

He couldn’t believe that she was going after their father as well…

“What’s wrong, Dmitri?” Damian scooted closer. “I suddenly thought of something. Say, if Daddy and Miss Rachel got married, I would be able to see Miss Rachel every day, won’t I?”

Dmitri frowned coldly. “Do you know who Rachel is? How could you let her marry into the Ford Family?”

“I don’t care who she is; I like her!”

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