Get Back With Their EX Mitchel, clad in a finely tailored suit and black overcoat, exuded inherent dignity.

The girl by his side clung to his arm.

Their closeness suggested they were a couple.

When Mitchel's gaze met Raegan's, his eyes held no emotion.

After a brief moment, he shifted his attention to Eloise and suggested, "Shall we pick out some clothes?" Eloise noticed Raegan

and felt a twinge of discomfort when she recalled their past encounters.

But at the same time, she was buoyed by Mitchel's gentle and pampering tone.

As she walked into the shop and looked around, nothing particularly caught her eye.

However, she found herself fixated on the outfit Raegan was wearing.

"Do you have that dress?" she asked the saleswoman.

"The clothes here are all custom-made, and there's only one of each," the saleswoman replied with a polite smile.

Eloise's lips curled in displeasure.

She usually preferred bright colors, but the dark green dress, which was not particularly eye-catching, looked so striking on Raegan.

Moreover, out of the corner of her eye, she caught Mitchel staring at Raegan and felt indignant.

Well, she had no interest in an attire someone else had worn.

With that, she gripped Mitchel's arm and turned to leave.

The saleswoman was sophisticated, though.

She glanced at Eloise, turned to Raegan, and rolled her eyes.

As she observed the scene, she discerned Eloise's affluent background from her high-end, custom attire.

Beside Eloise, Mitchel exuded a noble air.

With a decade of experience in retail, the saleswoman could tell he was rich and influential.

On the contrary, Raegan had expressed she would not buy the outfit.

It was probably because she could not afford it.

Given the overcoat's price tag of over 100 grand, it was a reasonable assumption that not everyone could afford such luxury. It did not take a genius to know who to serve.

"Miss, wait," the saleswoman said to Eloise with a courteous smile.

"I can ask that lady to take the outfit off so you can try it on.

Would that be alright?" Eloise was taken aback by the offer.

She had no intention of embarrassing Raegan, but the opportunity presented itself.

Her decision was influenced partly by jealousy, having seen Mitchel's fond gaze on Raegan. Mitchel had never seen her like this.

Therefore, Eloise raised her chin confidently and said, "Yes, have her take them off quickly. I don't want to try them on, though. I'l buy them for my housekeeper." Her tone was sharp, and her words were intentionally demeaning. The fact that Raegan was currently wearing the outfit and Eloise planned to give it to her housekeeper was a clear jab. Mitchel cast a frown toward Eloise. One could not discern if he was pleased or mad. The saleswoman, excited with the potential order, turned to Raegan and urged, "Miss, please take it off." Nicole was infuriated. What the hell? Eloise was demeaning Raegan right in front of her! Worse still, Eloise even said she would buy those clothes for her housekeeper. How arrogant! "What did you just say? Did we say we weren't going to buy them?" Nicole asked the saleswoman.

The saleswoman glanced at Raegan and reasoned, "This lady just said no." "T'll buy them." Nicole reached for her card. Raegan's attempts to dissuade her were in vain. With a scornful glance at Eloise, who was clinging to Mitchel, Nicole scoffed inwardly. She found it ironic that Mitchel was a man Raegan had abandoned but was treasured by Eloise. The saleswoman shot an apologetic look at Eloise and went to process Nicole's payment. But soon enough, the saleswoman walked over to Nicole and condescendingly said, "Miss, your card seems to have insufficient funds." It was not that Nicole was poor. It was just that she ha given the wrong card. Realizing her mistake, Nicole awkwardly said, "Oops, wrong card." As she reached for another card, Raegan intervened. Raegan shook her head and insisted, "Please, don't. I don't want it." It was self-humiliating to compete with Mitchel who could buy an entire mall.

Raegan was practical and saw no value in such pettiness.

With that, she quickly changed back into her own clothes and handed the clothes to the saleswoman.

Because Raegan was adamant, there was nothing Nicole could do.

Just as they were about to step out, they saw Eloise casually pointing at a selection of clothes and, without even trying them on, asked, "Mitchel, can you buy me all of those?" Mitchel gave a nod nonchalantly.

Eloise's face lit up, and she said with a coquettish smile, "Thank you, Mitchel.

You're so kind to me." "Anything to make you happy," Mitchel replied in an unusually gentle tone.

This made Raegan fall into a trance.

The memory of when they last fucked, how he grabbed her waist and demanded her to moan, flashed across her mind. Mitchel seemed so different now.

With a wistful smile, Raegan realized that his love, once given solely to her, could easily be bestowed upon another. As Nicole approached, Eloise cast a haughty look in her direction. Then, with a smirk, she stood on tiptoe, kissed Mitchel's cheek, and exclaimed joyfully, "I'm so happy!" Raegan was taken aback

by their display of affection. She immediately looked away and composed herself. Nicole's hackles rose. Just as she was about to confront Eloise, Raegan held her back and shook her head, urging her to let it go. Nicole tried, with all her might, to suppress her anger. Even so, she could not help but glare at Mitchel as they passed. What a heartless jerk! Once outside, Nicole vented her frustration about Mitchel's demeanor. "It seems that bastard's really into his new girlfriend.

He even goes shopping with her.

Maybe it's because of her family's success in new energy sector." Raegan, on the other hand, was not concerned with the business dealings.

Sensing Raegan's low spirits, Nicole offered, "If you're not up for shopping, we could go home." Raegan smiled.

"Let's keep shopping for a while." She did not want to spoil the day.

It was not every day Nicole invited her out.

Inside the boutique, Eloise was busy writing down a delivery address.

The saleswoman walked over to Eloise with a warm smile and offered two cups of coffee.

As Eloise reached for a cup, Mitchel suddenly came over and asked, "All set?" Startled, Eloise failed to grasp the cup, spilling the coffee onto the floor.

The saleswoman quickly bowed her head and apologized.

Recognizing her own mistake, Eloise waved at the saleswoman dismissively.

It was not the saleswoman's fault, after all.

Mitchel, however, seemed displeased and demanded, "Where's the manager?" The male shop manager approached and bowed respectfully.

"Sir, what can I do for you?" Mitchel's gaze shifted to the saleswoman, and he coldly stated, "Her service was unsatisfactory." Flustered, the saleswoman hurriedly explained, "Sir, I...

[didn't mean to spill the coffee." She cast a glance at Eloise with a pitiful expression, hoping Eloise would help her prove her innocence.

Eloise, equally shocked, chimed in, "Mitchel, it's okay, I..." But before she could finish, Mitchel fixed the manager with a stern look.

"How did your store even become part of this mall?" The shop manager lowered his head and asked, "What would you like me to do, sir?" "Fire her," Mitchel curtly said and then left the store.

The saleswoman was left dumbfounded.

Her brief moment of triumph from the deals vanished, replaced by shock and fear.

On the verge of tears, she tried to follow Mitchel, but the manager held her back.

"This customer is a top-tier one," the manager explained.

"I'll send the surveillance footage to our headquarters for review.

Go home for now." Meanwhile, Eloise looked unsettled.

She had a feeling that Mitchel had done that not in her defense but in

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