Chapter 1687 

Their faces were devoid of any vitality. 

There were no dreams, no hopes, only the bare struggle for survival on this 

island. Anyone would wear the same expression under such circumstances. 

Emmanuel couldn’t afford to concern himself with these people. He took off 

running southward. 

“Hey! Emmanuel, stop!” 

Aqua’s frantic shouts echoed behind him, drawing the attention of many. 

Eventually, Emmanuel halted. After running a considerable distance, he finally 

noticed a bridge ahead. Across it, the identity tags worn by the people 

indicated they were no longer members of the Black Wolf Team. 

“Emmanuel, wait…. don’t go rushing in!” 

Panting heavily, Aqua caught up to him from behind. 

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Chapter 1687 Trespassing Troubles 



Seeing him stop, she took a moment to catch her breath and then said 

urgently, “Ahead is the territory of the Frost and Flame Alliance. If you rush in 

recklessly, you could be surrounded and attacked!” 

It was only then that Emmanuel noticed the guards posted at the borders of 

each faction’s territory. 

Guarding the Black Wolf border today was Ironskull, the same person 

Emmanuel had taught a lesson to the day before. 

Unable to return last night, Ironskull had decided to come straight to the 

border. He was now shivering in the cold there, with snot running from his 


He spotted Emmanuel earlier but had deliberately remained silent, hoping 

Emmanuel would cross into enemy territory and get beaten up. 

“Is there always someone guarding the border?” Emmanuel asked Aqua. 

If there were always guards on duty, Emmanuel thought he might as well 

14:52 Sat, 29 Jun 

force his way through now. The longer he took to find his wife’s whereabouts, 

the more he worried something torriblo might happen to her. 

“No, that’s not it!” Aqua oxplained patiently. “The management enforces a 

curfew. After 8 p.m., everyone has to return indoors, and they can only come 

out again at 6 a.m. the next day.” 

“Dark Night Island gets extremely cold at night, bone–chillingly cold. Who 

could endure guarding outside?” she continued. 

Emmanuel understood. Seeing Ironskull shivering last night and sniffling this 

morning made sense. Even though Ironskull’s cultivation level was far below 

his own, he was still an A Rank internal strength martial artist. If he couldn’t 

handle the cold, an ordinary person would likely freeze to death. 

Clenching his fists, Emmanuel asked another question, “If someone 

trespasses into another faction’s territory and starts a fight, will ther 

management intervene?” 

Aqua’s eyes widened in stunned disbelief. “Emmanuel, you’re not seriously. 

Chapter 1687 Trespassing Troubles 

thinking of forcing your way through, are you? The Frost and Flame Alliance is 

tough to deal with. Moreover, to protect the island’s workforce, if people start 

getting killed, the Airspace Group management will punish the offenders, and 

severe cases could result in execution!” 

Emmanuel understood Aqua’s point. In simple terms, “If you win, you’re 

punished; if you lose, you die.” 

Without knowing Mackenzie’s exact location, Emmanuel realized that forcing 

his way through was a last resort. He might end up entangled in various 

troubles before even finding his wife, potentially causing innocent deaths. 

After weighing his options, he decided to wait until tonight and mover 

stealthily, even if it meant enduring the cold. 

Seeing him finally change his mind, Aqua breathed a sigh of relief. She 

followed him back and asked quietly, “Emmanuel, you’re really looking for 

your wife? I mean, has your wife been kidnapped and brought to Dark Night 


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Chapter 1687 Trespassing Troubles 

Emmanuel didn’t hide it and nodded. 

Aqua was surprised and asked again, “Is your wife an Airspace Group 


Emmanuel shook his head, causing Aqua to be even more puzzled. 

She had heard that the Airspace Group sometimes found people from the 

outside world and brought them to Devil’s Island to train them into 

formidable warriors. But it was the first time she had heard of them bringing 

a non–Airspace Group member here. 

“Could it be that she’s an extraordinarily beautiful woman who caught the 

eye of the Airspace Group management?” Aqua speculated. 

Emmanuel couldn’t help but smile at her guess. “My wife is indeed very 

beautiful, and she did catch the eye of the Airspace Group, but probably not 

in the way you’re thinking.” 

If it were as Aqua suggested, his wife’s situation would be even more 

Sat, 29 Jun 

Chapter 1687 Trespassing Troubles 


Emmanuel’s heart was constantly on edge, but he forced himself to stay 

calm and make the right choices step by step. 

Recklessness wouldn’t help him rescue his wife. 

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

As they walked back, they suddenly felt the ground shaking. 

What is happening? 

Emmanuel frowned. Could there be giant beasts in this place? 

“Not good! It’s Vachon Rhodes!” Aqua e

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