
Thalia gazed at Claire’s soft b*dy lying on the ground, a hint of fear causing her to retreat instinctively behind Kayla 

“Mom, she won’t die, will she?” she looked at Kayla and asked. 

“Don’t worry, she won’t,” Kayla said and gestured for the tall figure in black to drag the unconscious Claire away. 

Then she continued, “Humph, who would have thought that Claire, this little b*tch, could find such a good backer for herself? She was so arrogant just because she hooked up with Gavin, huh? When she’s slept with some other guy. I bet Gavin won’t want her anymore.” 

After returning from the hospital that day, Byron surprisingly warned her fiercely not to cause trouble for Claire again. Kayla, of course, couldn’t swallow this, and after persistent questioning, she finally understood why. 

It turned out that Gavin’s mother was the CEO of Payne Group, the largest real estate company in Darmbeck. His father, Dudley Byrd, was a high–ranking official 

With such a status, no matter how arrogant and bold Byron was, there was no way he would dare mess with Gavin. But Kayla wasn’t willing to accept this, convinced that Claire used some unsavory means to hook up with Gavin. 

Why could the shameless Claire turn from rags to riches while my Thalia could only marry an old, ugly man?” she thought to herself with displeasure. 

After much contemplation. Kayla thought of what she believed to be a flawless plan. 

As long as Claire slept with Ford, not only would Cavin no longer want her, but Kayla would also make sure she was completely ruined and sent back to Zaltward 

Thinking about it, Kayla couldn’t help but reveal a malicious smile. She seemed very confident that her plan would work this 


When Claire slowly woke up, she only felt severe pain at the back of her head. Struggling to sir up, she realized she was in a completely unfamiliar hotel room. 

A giggling voice suddenly rang out, “Little beauty, you’re awake? 

A portly middle–aged man suddenly walked in from outside. He smiled evilly when he saw her on the bed, revealing his d*rty yellow teeth. 

Claire felt her b*dy hair stand on end. Faint, hotel, man, she murmured in her mind as all the memory fragments connected instantly. She quickly reacted in understanding the whole thing and cried out in her mind, It’s Kayla. Undoubtedly, it’s Kayla’s doing!” 

While she was still in a state of disbelief and heartache, Ford had already approached the bed in a hurry. He rubbed his hands together in thrill and asked, “So, are you going to take a shower first, or should I go first?” 

‘You pervert, are your out of your mind?‘ Claire cursed in her heart. She cautiously retreated and forced a smile. “Um, there might be a misunderstanding. My husband is waiting for me. I’ll leave now” 

Before she could finish her words, Claire quickly got off the bed and rushed toward the door. However, the man was faster than her. Just as her hand touched the doorknob, a strong force pulled her waist and heavily dragged her back onto the bed. 

Although she was thrown on the thick mattress, Claire’s mind went blank momentarily. 

When she came to her senses, the disgusting man was already on top of her. “What misunderstanding? What could there be to misunderstand here? The Barker family sent you here! Your husband, huh? You’re mine, and I’ll be your husband!” 

Claire struggled fiercely, and there was no other thought in her mind but to run away. People could always summon an extraordinary strength in desperate situations. Claire forcefully raised her leg and attacked. Ford howled in pain, falling to 

the side. 

Claire didn’t let her guard down; she immediately got up and rushed toward the door again. However, just as she was about to escape this nightmarish room, a furious roar erupted behind her. 

“Damn it! You shameless thing simply doesn’t know what is good for you.” 

The man quickly caught up. He tightly gripped Claire’s arm and delivered a slap. That blow was so powerful that Claire lost her balance and fell to the ground. 

Ford took advantage of the situation and pressed her down, fixing Claire’s hands above her head. His eyes gleamed with a 

sinister light. 

“Humph, how dare you try to run away?” 

Ignoring Claire’s struggles and curses, the man was about to bend down and k*ss her. Claire closed her eyes in despair. But a loud bang rang out just as his l*ps were a few inches away from Claire’s skin. Immediately, Claire felt a lightness, and the -man’s agonized scream followed 

“Claire!” Gavin’s usually calm tone now carried deep anxiety and fear. Claire, trembling, opened her eyes to see Gavin’s anxious and pale face. 

She was almost in disbelief and reached out to touch him, but Gavin instantly grabbed her hand. The grip was firm, yet it trembled slightly. 

“Why was he seemingly more scared than me? Claire thought to herself. 

“Sorry, I’m sorry, Claire. I’m late. Gavin dropped to one knee and pulled Claire in with a firm hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around Claire as if she could disappear without him noticing. 

As he rushed to the hospital at noon after spending time with his mother, the nurse informed him that Claire had already 


Gavin’s heart began to panic uncontrollably. He called Claire numerous times, but there was no answer. The countless beeps that claimed her cell phone was off made his heart hang in the air. 

He finally found her in the hotel by continuously checking the location and surveillance. But little did he expect that holding her would cause him even greater pain. 

Claire felt the heat from his chest and the familiar cold and refreshing scent. She only felt that all the fear and despair seemed to vanish at this moment. 

“Why did Gavin always appear like a savior when I couldn’t hold on? He saves me every time I am most in danger and brings me to the light, Claire thought to herself. 

Just as she was about to lift her head to tell him she was okay, she noticed Ford, who had fallen to the ground behind them. raising a fruit knife and rushing toward them with an evil expression. 

The sharp blade glinted coldly and sent a chill down her spine. However, before she could shout, Ford rushed in front of 


Though Gavin had his back turned to Ford, he keenly sensed the danger and quickly reacted. 

Unfortunately, despite his timely standing up to evade, his actions were somewhat delayed due to holding Claire in his 


Turning around, he lifted his leg and kicked hard on Ford, his manner graceful and his movement fluent. 

Ford was once again sent flying, crashing heavily to the ground. This time, he was completely unconscious

“Don’t be afraid. Let’s go.” He held her and appeared calm, but Claire couldn’t relax because she clearly saw blood on the discarded knife at the side

“You’re hurt!” she said, her tone full of worry and anxiety. 

As Gavin strode out with her in his arms, he glanced down at her. One side of Claire’s small face had swelled, and her clear, large eyes were filled with concern. The gaze instantly warmed his heart, and even the pain in his back seemed to fade Unable to resist, Gavin bent down and quickly k*ssed her eyelashes. 


He said in a gentle voice to halt her attempts to struggle, “Be good. Don’t move around, or it might pull at my wound.” 

Since he said that, Claire dared not move. Sensing that he had no intention of loosening the firm grip around her waist, she understood that he wouldn’t put her down. 

So, Claire obediently nestled in his arms. At this moment, she could not be bothered to care about shyness. She raised her arms to encircle his n*eck in an attempt to alleviate some of her weight. 

Martin stood by the car, waiting. When he saw Cavin coming out with Claire in his arms, he quickly opened the car door. However, upon seeing Gavin’s back stained with blood, he couldn’t help but exclaim. “Mr. Byrdr 

Gavin first placed Claire in the car and then followed suit, sitting in the car. He said calmly, “It’s okay. Let’s go to the hospital.” 

Martin, not daring to delay, drove off with a grim expression. Until they reached the hospital, Gavin insisted on not showing Claire the wound on his back, 

“It’s really just a minor injury and bleeding a bit. It’ll be fine when I get to the hospital to bandage it up in a while. Don’t look I’m afraid it will scare you.” 

His face was visibly pale, but he smiled lightly as if nothing had happened, trying to comfort her. 

Claire couldn’t hold back her tears. She couldn’t control her emotions anymore, rushing into his arms and tightly hugging 

Gavin’s n*eck 

After a good while, she said in a choked voice, “Why are you so foolish?” 

“He is indeed foolish, or why would he silently do so much for me? He used his connections to help me complete my work. and he went to great lengths to find a kidney for my mother and the best doctor. Now, he even took a knife for me and suffered such a serious injury. He is so good, and I don’t deserve it at all, Claire said in her mind. 

As if seeing through her thoughts, Gavin touched her hair and said, his voice deep and comforting, “You are my wife. For you, I would give up even my life.” 

Claire might have thought it was just smooth talk if another man had said this. But right now, hearing it from Gavin made it undeniably true. Claire didn’t have the slightest doubt about what he was si 


At this moment, Claire finally understood that this man was her husband, the one she would spend her life with. In her heart, there couldn’t be anyone else. 

While Cavin was dressing his wound, Claire anxiously waited in the corridor, Suddenly, she heard the sound of high heels approaching, and finally, the voice stopped in front of her. 

An elegantly dressed woman looked at her with gentle eyes. “You must be Claire, right?” 

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