Chapter 4 

Gavin ruthlessly grabbed Kayla’s hand and flung it aside, his gaze icy and intimidating. 

Claire furrowed her brow in confusion. ‘How did he end up here?‘ she thought to herself. 

The sudden turn of events caught Kayla and her daughter off guard. When they saw Gavin’s face clearly, they both froze. 

“What’s going on again?” A booming voice sounded behind them, full of vigor. It turned out Byron had appeared behind everyone at some point. 

As if finding a backer. Kayla quickly approached him and complained as if she was wronged. She said, “Byron, you have not idea. I heard Claire’s mom was sick and came over with good intentions. But as soon as I reached here, Claire scolded me. I don’t know why she did it. I just feel so upset.” 

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, portraying her as an innocent victim 

Thalia, at the side, took the opportunity and chimed in, supporting the lie. 

Claire looked at them with cold eyes and found it amusing. 

“Hiss.” The side of her face that had been hit was gently touched, but even the gentle gesture made Claire wince and shrink back in pain. 

“You hit her, huh?” Gavin suddenly turned to the still–acting Kayla, his tone as cold as ice. 

Intimidated by Gavin’s tone, Kayla couldn’t continue. Thalia, too, cowered behind Byron in fear. 

“Mr. Byrd, there must be a misunderstanding. Byron struggled to speak, a thin layer of sweat breaking out on his forehead from nervousness. 

However, with no patience to hear him out, Gavin directly interrupted him and said, “I don’t care about the reason. If there’s a next time…” 

He didn’t finish his sentence, but the threat was evident. 

To Claire’s surprise, she actually saw Byron, usually so arrogant and condescending, showing signs of fear. 

“There won’t be a next time, absolutely not. Mr. Byrd, uh, you and Claire just got married. Come over for dinner when you have time.” Byron’s tone was ingratiating. It was as if he was a different person than he had just been. 

Gavin remained silent with a gloomy face, cold and distant 

Byron didn’t dare provoke him further and hastily dragged the still–shocked Kayla and Thalia away. 

The corridor returned to calm. Only now did Claire realize how embarrassed she must look, 

She turned around awkwardly and tried to turn her back on Gavin, but he didn’t give her the chance. 

Gavin still held her shoulders and forced her to look at him, “Why didn’t you hit back?” he asked earnestly, 

However, Claire could only smile bitterly at his words. Tit back? And then what? What about my mom’s medical expenses if I completely pissed off Kayla in a fit of anger? Compared to Mom’s life, my dignity meant nothing she said in her mind

She felt bitter in her heart, but Gavin only rubbed the top of her head gently and then let out a low sigh. “Why are you always so foolish?” 

It was a plain statement, yet it touched a nerve in Claire for some reason. Her nose tingled, and tears welled up instantly. 

Claire tried hard to suppress the urge to cry and felt the need to say something to change the topic. “Why did you suddenly 

come over?” she asked. 

With that, she naturally thought of the events earlier in the day. Claire’s b*dy tensed suddenly, and she instantly distanced herself from Gavin

While she might agree to many a man to assure her mother’s peace of mind during her treatment, it didn’t mean she would accept sharing a man with another woman, even if he was super outstanding 

Gavin seemed to have realized it as well, but their concerns were not the same. 

He gave her a once–over, noticing the scratches on her elbows and knees that she hadn’t tended to. His brow furrowed slightly, “Why haven’t you applied medicine?” 

Following his gaze, Claire glanced at the injuries and said nonchalantly, “Just minor scratches. No big deal. 

Gavin clearly wasn’t satisfied with her attitude. Without a word, he pulled her to a bench in the corridor and left in quick strides. Soon, he returned in a hurry with a first aid kit and knelt in front of her. 

Proficiently, he cleaned the wounds with alcohol and applied ointment without asking for permission, his movements gentle and skilled. 

His long, flawless fingers were well–defined. 

Indeed, good–looking people are attractive in every aspect, Claire murmured in her mind. 

Initially, Claire had only thought of finding a somewhat acceptable man through blind dates, someone who could get by for a lifetime. 

Meeting Gavin felt like a dream for her, as such a perfect person didn’t seem likely to appear in a blind date scenario. 

But they did meet, and he presented his ID, property deed, credit card, and car keys, His attitude was straightforward and extremely sincere. 

For some reason, perhaps influenced by the allure of his charm, Claire agreed just like that and, in a daze, obtained a marriage license with him in a flash. She had to admit she was touched. She hadn’t expected fate to be so kind as to set her up with such a wonderful man 

Yet, when Claire saw him standing side by side with Sirena, they looked like a match made in heaven. And the dream shattered instantly. She immediately realized it was time to wake up from this short–lived dream. 

“Gavin, let’s get a divorce,” she suddenly said. 

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