Chapter 14 

Gavin’s eyes gleamed, his tone crisply cold in a way familiar to Rocky Davison. “Rocky, I need your help with a personal matter. I need you to get rid of someone for me.” 

On the other side, Rocky, sitting in the boss’s chair, had a lazy expression. He idly tapped the desktop with his slender fingers. Upon hearing Gavin’s words, his movements suddenly froze. After a moment, he stammered, “Cavin, are you…. serious?” His tone was full of incredulity. 

Rocky regretted it as soon as the words left his mouth, and he almost wanted to bite off his tongue. 

He thought he must be out of his mind to ask that question. Rocky knew Gavin better than anyone else. Gavin never joked. The words he spoke and the decisions he made were final and difficult to overturn. 

But what Gavin said was too frightening. In Rocky’s eyes, Gavin, no matter how sarcastic or ruthless, would never take anyone’s life 

As if seeing through Rocky’s thoughts, Gavin looked out the window, indifferently gave an affirmative answer, and further clarification. 

“But it’s not about taking her life. As for how to handle it, you should understand what I mean. 

Without giving Rocky a chance to respond, Gavin hung up the phone. He knew Rocky would handle it; it was an understanding they had built over the years.. 


Gavin’s icy demeanor softened after he sent all of Thalia’s information to Rocky’s email. His gaze turned to the bedroom. door unintentionally, and there was an unfamiliar tenderness in his eyes that had never appeared before. 

Gavin calmly whispered to himself, ‘You just need to be a cute little girl behind me, and I’ll handle everything that makes you upset. He resolved in his heart that he would protect her from any harm. 

In the room, Claire lay on the comfortable mattress. Soon, she drifted into a dream. 

As dusk fell, Claire slowly woke up. Barefoot, she tiptoed on the floor and gently opened the bedroom door, peeking outside with a mischievous look. 

Gavin was asleep with a tranquil expression while leaning back on the sofa, his beauty accentuated by the faint glow. He is so good–looking. It seems fate has favored him by giving him such a stunningly handsome face, she thought 

Claire was captivated by his allure. She tiptoed to Gavin to get a better look. And driven by an inexplicable impulse, her small hand gently touched his handsome face. 

For some reason, she pressed her l*ps lightly against Gavin’s check 

It was a light and fleeting k*ss. Claire quickly withdrew her hand and distanced herself from Gavin. She glanced around carefully as if afraid someone had discovered her little secret. 

“I must be crazy,” Claire murmured to herself. “Maybe this man is just too charming. I don’t believe that it’s my fault. I can’t De blanned for pt. 

Gavin was amused. He’d been awake since Claire opened the door and had been pretending to be asleep. He just wanted to see how she would react. 

Unexpectedly, it was a delightful surprise. He was happy and found it very interesting. 

He slowly opened his eyes, feigning ignorance and staring at Claire’s blushing face.. 

“Hmm? What’s wrong?” His deep, husky voice was strangely alluring, Claire had to fight hard to resist the temptation, and she silently cursed him in her mind. 

Claire, embarrassed, cleared her throat and changed the topic. “Gavin, I’m hungry 

Gavin smiled warmly. He got up and walked over to Claire, his big hand ruffling her disheveled hair. “I’ve reserved a table at the restaurant. Freshen up, and I’ll take you to eat something delicious.” 

Under the temptation of delicious food, Claire quickly tidied herself up, flashing a perfect smile at Gavin. 

Gavin took Claire’s hand, and an unusual emotion stirred within her. This time, she didn’t refuse him; instead, she gently squeezed his hand back. 

The two looked at each other and exchanged a smile, and at Claire’s insistence, Gavin decided not to drive. They walked hand in hand through the night streets. 

The evening breeze tousled Claire’s hair, and Gavin attentively tucked a few strands behind her car, revealing her stunningly beautiful face

A slow–walking elderly couple passed by, chatting with smiles on their faces. The old lady seemed amused by the old man’s words, her aged voice taking on a hint of girlish playfulness. 

Claire admired the scene, and her envious eyes lingered on the elderly couple. ‘Indeed, a girlish heart was the key to eternal youth, she thought 

Gavin said with evident affection, “Darling When we get old, we’ll be like them.” 

“No, I don’t want to turn into a wrinkled old lady Claire pouted and pretended to be angry. 

“Well, you’ll still be my little girl even when you’re old.“, 

“Who’s a little girl? I’m already 25, you know?” 

Hearing this, Gavin bent down helplessly and pinched Claire’s cheek. “Even when you’re 85, you’ll still be a little girl in my eyes,” he said dotingly. 

Claire fell silent and looked at the tall man beside her. She felt a sense of serene happiness for the first time. 

When they arrived at their destination, Claire realized it was the restaurant she had longed to visit. In the past, due to financial constraints, she could only leave without entering 

Do you I 

this place? Gavin looked at her and asked. 

She was surprised. “How did you know I wanted to come here?” 

Gavin chuckled but didn’t say a word. He had someone repair Claire’s broken phone and recover the previous information. Therefore, he naturally saw the photos and plans she had stored. She had long ago written on her cell phone that this was where she wanted to visit

The meal was enjoyable, and the dessert after dinner was mango cake. Claire ate the cake while looking at the pink balloons and rose decorations. Gavin played a mobile game without lifting his eyelids. 

Glancing at Gavin, who was absorbed in the mobile game, Claire joked and said, “With such a good atmosphere, it’s perfect for a proposal. Tsk, sk, what a waste.” 

Hearing Claire’s words, Gavin stopped playing with his phone. He looked up and smiled at her. “Well, you guessed right,” 

‘I guessed right, huh? What does he mean by that? Could it be that Gavin is going to propose? Where’s the ring then? Is it in the cake?‘ Claire thought to herself. She sped up her hand movements, digging through the cake to find the elusive ring. 

‘She is such a silly girl, Gavin thought. Setting aside his phone, he strode to Claire, dropped to one knee without waiting for her reaction, and gazed tenderly at her. 

“Claire, our registration was hasty, and I haven’t formally proposed, but today. I’m giving you this proposal ceremony. I want to make it up to you for everything I’m supposed to give you Will you marry me?” Gavin took out a ring box from his pocket and opened it. 

hapter 14 

Claire was almost blinded by the large, dazzling diamond. Excited, she nodded frantically and said, “Wow, rich guy, can you be with me? Can I be yours? 

Gavin felt helpless once again. He thought his wife was truly a treasure. She was always sweet and gave him a lot of pleasure. 

“So, do you say yes or not?” Gavin patiently asked again. He wanted to hear her answer for himself. 

Claire was about to say something to respond to Gavin when a figure flashed outside the window. For some reason, she thought it looked very familiar. Suddenly, a name popped into her mind. 

Jeffrey Dickinson, a name that had recurred to her over the past few years, and there was no way she could forget it. 

Almost instinctively, Claire rushed outside, running after the blurry figure. She felt the need for a definite answer! 

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