Losers: Part II
: Chapter 2

We packed our things into the Bronco and the WRX early in the morning, while the sky was still dark and the cool night air was damp. We had dropped off the dogs with Vincent’s family the previous day, and his dad had agreed to come by the house over the weekend to check on things. It had been ages since we all left town, even longer since we’d had a proper vacation. We needed it now more than ever.

It had been almost two weeks since my father had shown up at my gate after months of being gone. The last time I’d seen him, he’d threatened to kill me, and this time hadn’t been any better. I’d believed he was dead and would have preferred he stayed that way, but all we could do now was try to avoid him.

It took me back to my childhood in a way I didn’t like. Tiptoeing around, hiding. But things were different now than they were back then; I didn’t only have myself to worry about.

I had to think about my boys. And Jess. It was my responsibility to make sure they were safe. Besides, we all needed the opportunity to have time together. Not worrying about work, or parents, or nosey neighbors. Just us, together, committing whatever debauchery we damn well pleased.

Jess still owed us a debt. Her BMW was sitting in our garage, waiting for her new engine to be delivered. She wasn’t paying for that repair in cash either; she’d offered us something I considered far more valuable.

Herself. Her body and her time.

Playing with intimacy was risky; I knew that. When this was over, when her car was repaired and her debt was “cleared,” we wouldn’t be able to let her go. I wouldn’t be able to brush this off like it was nothing and watch her walk out of my life again.

I needed her to stay. I wanted her to. But the choice was hers and the only thing I could do now was show her this was where she needed to be.

I needed to show her the possibilities, give her an experience she would never forget.

She’d admitted that her ultimate fantasy was to be snatched away, used and dominated, with nothing to worry about, except being a good, obedient girl for us. She wanted to submit completely, to relinquish the control she so carefully clung to.

I adored that about her. Once her fears of being rejected and judged were assuaged, Jess was insatiable, ravenous. But between the four of us, we could sate her.

We’d talked about it over the past few days, discussing what she imagined she would like and wouldn’t like, things she wanted to try or things to avoid. We knew each other’s boundaries, we had a safeword, but the more we got her talking about what she wanted, the better.

I wanted to blow her mind. I wanted to show her what life with us could be like, if she wanted it.


We picked her up early, before her parents were awake, when the sun was still creeping over the horizon. Her mom thought she was spending the weekend with some girls — friends that weren’t even talking to Jess anymore, since she’d decided to keep company with us. She threw her luggage in the back of the Bronco before she climbed into the front seat, her tiny denim shorts riding up her thighs as she sat between Lucas and I. She gave Jason and Vincent a wave through the back window, since they were riding together in the WRX.

“Please tell me we can stop for coffee,” she said, laying her head against Lucas’s shoulder with a dramatic groan. “I think I’ll die if I’m not caffeinated soon.”

We all needed our hit of caffeine. Lucas would get grumpy without it and the last thing any of us wanted was to be trapped in a vehicle with him in a bad mood. Once we had our espresso, we got straight onto the highway. We turned the stereo up and kept the windows down, and it wasn’t long before I couldn’t stand to have Jess sitting right beside me without touching her, kissing her, enjoying her.

Locking my arm around her waist, I shot Lucas a grin as I dragged her onto my lap so she was straddling me, facing toward me.

Lucas groaned, “Come on, man, is this why you wanted me to drive? You’re the one who likes to watch! Are you switching with me after this? Hey! Manson!”

But Jess was kissing me, and I couldn’t answer him with her tongue in my mouth. I didn’t even intend to fuck her yet. I wanted to feel her, enjoy her taste, savor her body. I smacked her ass as she lifted slightly off my lap and she moaned into my mouth, before she whispered, “Mm, spank me harder, Master.”

“Fucking hell.” Lucas let off a string of curses, tapping his palm repeatedly against the wheel. He was trying so hard to watch us more than he was looking at the road.

“Pay attention to your driving, puppy,” I said, reaching over to shove his face forward. The furious growl he gave me was enough to make me chuckle as I smacked Jess again, and she gasped, grinding down on my lap. I turned her, pushing her head down and to the side so she was lying across my lap. Her head was on the seat toward Lucas, and her legs were bent against the door, her white sneakers untied.

“You want it harder?” I said, rubbing my hand over her thighs, then over the round globes of her ass. Although partially hidden by her shorts, the faint red lines of my name cut into her skin were still visible. It was healed; I hated to see it disappear. I needed a permanent mark on her, something that wouldn’t fade away.

She gave me a cheeky look over her shoulder, clutching her hands around Lucas’s thigh. This was torturing him. She wiggled her butt, and I spanked her again, continuing until she was gasping and her thighs were red.

By the time we pulled into the next gas station, Lucas was coiled so tightly with tension I was surprised he managed to stand up.

We all got out, stretching our arms and legs. We’d been on the road for hours and had a little further to go before we were into the mountains, but we could see them ahead of us now through the trees. We’d traded farmland for forests, and the gas station we stopped at was old, with only one pump and a debit card slot out of order.

“I’ll go pay the cashier,” Jess said, plucking the cash from my fingers that I was about to walk inside with. I watched her through the dirty window as she sauntered up to the counter, her midriff bare in the red cropped shirt she wore.

“She looks too good to be out in public,” Lucas said, arms folded as he leaned against the Bronco with the gas cap open. Jess was speaking with the man behind the counter, an old guy with a wide smile who resembled a backwater Santa Claus in overalls. Hell, I’d be smiling that wide too if one of my few customers of the day looked like that.

When she came back out, she had a lollipop in her mouth. Lucas pumped the gas, and she distributed the soda she’d bought. She ran one of the cold cans over the back of her neck, sighing as the condensation dripped down her skin.

“What flavor?” Vincent said, and she popped the lolly from her mouth to offer him a lick.

“Blue raspberry,” she said, sticking out her blue-stained tongue as Jason came in for a lick too. Vincent was admiring her reddened thighs, grinning at me as he lifted his eyebrows suggestively.

But that little spanking was nothing. That was to get her hot and squirming before the best part.

She wanted to be taken captive. She wanted to feel helpless, ravaged, used.

Far be it from me to deny her that.

We got back on the road, and Jess was enjoying being a tease. She put herself back on my lap, swirling her tongue around her candy. She subtly moved her hips, grinding on me, an innocent look on her face all the while.

We endured for about half an hour before Lucas pulled over at a vacant rest stop. The WRX drove in behind us, and Jess frowned, sitting up on my lap as she looked around. The rest stop was nothing more than a picnic bench and some restrooms, hidden from the highway by a line of trees.

“Bathroom break already?” she said. I chuckled, grabbed her face and pulled it toward me for a kiss. She whimpered softly as Lucas touched her from behind, trailing his fingers down her arms before he held her wrists and then —

“Hey — What?” Jess jerked at the sound of duct tape, but Lucas and I were too quick for her to wriggle away. He secured her wrists behind her, taping them together before he did the same to her ankles as I restrained her.

Jess had known this was coming, but I had to hand it to her — she fought hard. She struggled and thrashed, cursing at us as if this was all against her will. We hustled her out of the Bronco, Lucas carrying her over his shoulder toward the WRX.

“I’ve had enough of your damn teasing,” he snarled and dumped her in the trunk as Vincent popped it open for him. She squirmed, staring up at us with wide eyes. “It’s our game now, fucktoy.”

“Three days in the mountains where no one can hear you scream,” I said. “And trust me, you’ll be doing plenty of screaming.”

I left my cell in the trunk with her. Part of our past discussions had been how she would be able to communicate with us if we locked her up like this, and the cell phone was what we’d settled on. She’d be on a call with Jason the whole time, with his end muted. If she needed to call her safeword for any reason, we’d hear it.

I reached down, gently stroking my fingers through her hair. Then I gripped the long blonde strands, holding her in place for Jason, who tied a blindfold over her eyes.

“All ours to play with,” he said, tracing his fingers over her lips. They parted slightly, and he pressed two digits into her mouth, sliding them over her tongue and deep into her throat until she gagged. “That’s it, baby, choke on it. Get your throat loosened up, you’re going to need it.”

The sight of her bound and blind, lying in the trunk, turned me on so much I couldn’t see straight. I should have put a camera in there so I could watch her, but it was too late for that now. I didn’t know how the hell I would manage to wait until we got up the mountain.

But I’d find a way. Waiting made it sweeter.

“You’re all ours for the next few days,” I said, bracing my hand against the trunk as I looked down at her. “Enjoy your alone time while you can.”

Then I shut her in the dark.

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