Lord death is now back home
Chapter 1045 The Force Behind The Hall Of Death

Chapter 1045 The Force Behind the Hall of Death

The red-haired man snorted coldly, "I don't care what excuses you have. In short, get all the Dragon Emblem fragments for me as soon as possible! Once we have all the Dragon Emblem fragments, my Wind family can rise again!"


Devil's Frown nodded, then with a strange look on his face, he said, "Master Invincible, at least six Dragon Emblem fragments have appeared now!"

"What? Six!"

Upon hearing this, Invincible's pupils immediately contracted sharply. He hadn't expected so many Dragon Emblem fragments to have already surfaced.

Devil's Frown continued, "The Hall of Death's Lord probably has two Dragon Emblem fragments, and the remaining four are in the hands of someone named Chris..."

After that, Devil's Frown didn't continue.

Invincible waved his hand impatiently, "I don't need to hear this. I don't care whose hands the Dragon Emblem fragments are in; you must retrieve all of them for me! If you can retrieve them, I will report to the head of the family and have you join the Wind family, enjoying the resources of the hiding family! But if you cannot retrieve them... you are well aware of the consequences!"

"Of course."

"If I obtain all the Dragon Emblem fragments, naturally, I will hand them over to the master, but..."

At this point, Devil's Frown hesitated.

"Just what? Don't beat about the bush!" Invincible's eyes turned sharp.

"Hehe," Devil's Frown chuckled softly, "I'm just worried that the Lord might not give all the Dragon Emblem fragments to you in the end?"

Upon hearing this, Invincible's expression changed. He had never been entirely satisfied with the Hall of Death. He had invested so much manpower and resources in helping the Lord of that hall establish it. Yet, over the years, the Hall of Death still hadn't collected all the Dragon Emblem fragments. He was growing impatient, as was the entire hiding family. They had remained hidden for too long. They yearned to rise again, rather than be forever bound in the depths of these sunless mountains!

A cold killing intent flashed in Invincible's eyes. "No matter who it is, whether it's the Lord of the Hall of Death or this person called Chris, the Dragon Emblem fragments will always belong to the hiding family. Others are not qualified to possess them, do you understand?"

"Yes," Devil's Frown nodded, saying nothing more.

"Hmph!" Invincible snorted, "I will explain to the head of the family, but do not provoke my anger again. My patience is limited! Tell that nonsense Lord, I will give him only one chance! If he misses it, he shouldn't blame me for being ruthless!"

"When the time comes, whatever Hall of Death, I will wipe them out completely!"

With that, Invincible's figure flickered, disappearing without a trace from his original position.

Devil's Frown remained standing there, silent for a long while.

"Everyone wants the Dragon Emblem fragments, but have any of you considered my intentions? Don't I also want these Dragon Emblem fragments? I established Ghost Sect not to play with you, Hall of Death or the hiding family! In the end, you are all just stepping stones for me!"

Chuckling to himself, Devil's Frown turned and left.

Meanwhile, the Chester Group officially announced the launch of their overseas strategy. After all, the Chester Group was now the leading group in Amerosia. If they didn't expand overseas, they would only stagnate.

Fortunately, an invitation arrived from King's Leagues, inviting the Chester Group to develop at Star Island. Once the Chester Group arrived, King's Leagues would provide all necessary support!

To expedite the opening of overseas markets for the Chester Group, Esther became busy once again.

At this moment, in the president's office, Esther was busy at work, while Chris leisurely brewed tea beside her.

Then, Tiger walked in with a solemn expression. "Boss, Lynx has obtained information about the Hall of Death that you had her investigate."

"Oh?" Chris raised an eyebrow. He had tasked Lynx with investigating the Hall of Death before leaving Middleton. He hadn't expected Lynx to have obtained information so quickly. It seemed that the scale of her intelligence organization had expanded once again!

Chris asked lightly, "What did she say?"

Tiger looked serious. "Lynx says the Hall of Death is not simple. According to her investigation, the Hall of Death appeared several decades ago and has always been mysterious."

"Lynx says that the Hall of Death is not just the work of its Lord; behind this Lord lies an even deeper and larger force! However, up to now, she hasn't been able to uncover what this force behind the Hall of Death is..."

Upon hearing this, Chris's expression changed. He had thought that his greatest enemy was the so-called Lord ofthe Hall of Death. Chris had always believed that once he eliminated this Hall of Death's Lord, he could fulfill the task entrusted to him by Master William, and then live a happy life with Esther and his daughter as a family of three.

However, today, Chris realized that things had become increasingly complex. It seemed that inadvertently, he had stirred the entire pot of trouble in Amerosia. The Hall of Death's Lord might not be his ultimate target after all. Even the entire Hall of Death might not be!

During his time on Star Island, Ron Jefferson had mentioned that the Hall of Death was just a plaything for certain individuals! Now, it seemed that Ron Jefferson's words were likely true. Unfortunately, even in his final moments, Ron Jefferson had refused to reveal everything he knew.

The fact that such a vast organization as the Hall of Death was merely a plaything for some individuals indicated just how powerful the force lurking behind the scenes was. If not completely eradicated, it posed a serious threat to Amerosia's safety.

Chris narrowed his eyes, a determined gleam in them. "Tell Lynx to closely monitor the Hall of Death and to dig out the force behind the Hall of Death as soon as possible. Once there's any news, inform me immediately!"

"Yes!" Tiger nodded and promptly went to inform Lynx.

"Fascinating! Truly fascinating!" Taking a deep breath, Chris's expression became resolute.

"Very well, no matter what powerful adversaries there are, as long as I find all the Dragon Emblem fragments, they'll all come out eventually!"

Chris had seen clearly now. The Hall of Death, its enigmatic force behind the scenes, and even the Lord of the Hall of Death were all obstacles to be dealt with. When peace reigned, he could submit his resignation to Master William. Then, he could live a simple and happy life with Esther and Yang Panpan.

For Chris, titles like "Amerosia's First War God," "Death God General," or "Five-Star General" meant nothing.

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