Andrea inhales sharply, and I can see an angry retort trembling on her tongue, but she just clenches her jaw, picks up her little purse and nods once before she spins on her heels and strides toward the front of the house.

Thank fuck.

I heave out a breath, but when Savannah tries to step away from me, I tighten my grip on her.


I know she’s trying to snap at me, but she so rarely says my name, I don’t care how she says it. I’ll always like it.

“Hush.” I use my free hand to pull out my phone.


I dial Benedict, knowing he’s lead for the security team today.

My eyes are still on the hallway, waiting to hear the front door open and slam closed, but out of the corner of my eye, I see something coming towards me.

Savannah’s hand, still holding the portafilter, is swinging across her body, like she’s hoping to nail me in the chest.

Keeping my phone against my ear, I dart my hand off her shoulder, to catch her forearm as it passes in front of her body.

Using her own momentum, I curl my arm, turning her body into mine.

It’s a twisted sort of hug, but the weapon is now rendered useless, pressed against my stomach, and she’s snug against my side, where she belongs.

“Here,” Benedict answers the phone as he’s always done. Nothing but business.

Savannah struggles in my hold, so I squeeze her tighter.

“Please make sure Andrea leaves the property, then send whoever let her onto the property into my office.” Savannah finally stops struggling when she hears my demand.

“Copy that.”

I hang up and look down at my wife. “Want to tell me what you did wrong?”

Her eyes narrow. “What I did wrong?”

“Yeah, Honey. What you did wrong.”

Savannah’s hand moves and I flex my fingers around her arm, but I realize her plan too late. And the heavy item drops from her hand, right onto my foot.

“Fuck!” I laugh the word even as pain radiates across my toes. “Such a clever little girl.” I spin her in my grip, so her back is to my front, making sure she can’t try to knee me in the junk.

“You are such a beast!”

I step us both forward until she’s trapped between me and the counter. “I’m your beast.” I hear the front door open again, and I know Benedict has followed through. “But never,” I give her a tiny shake, “ever, answer the door.”

She huffs, “Don’t want me running into any more of your fuck friends?”

I spin her once again, this time so she’s facing me.

Gripping her chin, I make sure she’s looking at me. “Because it’s not safe. Because I can’t protect you if you do reckless things.” She opens her mouth, but I shut it for her, pushing up with my grip. “No, don’t argue with me on this. There are some bad fucking players out there and I will not have you putting yourself in danger.”

She reaches up to shove my hand away, and I let her. “And what about women?”

“What about them?”

“If you think I’m going to remain prisoner here and just accept…” Savannah presses her lips together and I see the hurt in her gaze.

I bend down, so we’re eye to eye. “You’re not my prisoner. You’re my Queen.” Her throat works on a swallow, and I run my thumb up the side of her neck. “And what part of me killing my sister’s cheating husband makes you think I’m okay with infidelity?” Her eyes bounce back and forth between mine. “Love me or hate me, Honey, but neither of us is ever touching anyone else again.”

“You’re still a beast,” the heat is gone from her tone.

“Never claimed different.” And because she’s so close, and because I can, I close the inches between us and press my lips to hers. “Now go back to work.”

She stares up at me for a long moment. “Work?”

I tip my head toward the back hall. “You do make your living off your paintings, right?” She nods. “So… work.”

She just stares at me.


Savannah gives her head a slight shake. “Nothing. You’re right. I need to work.”

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