Chapter 67 

Ugh, he thought that by not visiting her, no one would notice how worried he was about her

When Dr. Dawson arrived yesterday. Cornelia felt dizzy and leaned against her in a faint. Dr. Dawson quickly gave her medication to help her feel better

But this girl Cornelia was super guarded. Even when she was unconscious, she was still clenching her teeth tight, and there was no way to get the antidote into her mouth 

It wasn’t until Marcus kept calling her name softly that she finally loosened her jaw

At this moment, Dr. Dawson couldn’t help but shiver when he recalled the look in Marcus’s eyes as he saw the scars on Cornelia s arm

Dr. Dawson had been with Marcus for so many years. She had seen him stay calm and collected even when he was almost killed in an ambush. But she had never seen him like this before Dr Dawson, where am I?Cornelia finally realized that she was in a completely unfamiliar room. It was huge but sparsely furnished, and it didn’t look like anyone lived there regularly 

Dr. Dawson replied. This is another house Marc has in Blueshell Mansion” 

1s President Hartley at the office?Cornelia remembered that today was Tuesday Crap, I still have to go with him to sign a contract.” 

Cornelia wanted to get out of bed, but Dr. Dawson held her down, it’s already nighttime. What contract are you going to sign? Just focus on getting better, and well deal with everything else later.” 

Cornelia didn’t want to be a burden and stubbornly said, I’m fine, really.” 

You wanna try getting up and jumping around a bit to see how fine you are?Dr. Dawson was getting a headache with this stubborn girl. Let me take a look at your arm first.” 

Dr. Dawson had already treated Cornelia’s arm last night, and since she was young and had a fast metabolism, the wound had already scabbed over. Ill give you another tube of this medicine. Remember to apply it every day so you don’t end up with a scar.Dr. Dawson said

Cornelia nodded, Okay” 

Dr. Dawson packed up the medicine box, Alright, I’ll go prepare some food. You can wash up and then come out and eat.” 

As soon as Dr. Dawson left, Cornelia immediately found her bag and took out two phones

She checked her work phone first, no missed calls. But her personal phone had a bunch of missed calls and video calls 

They were all from Abigail and Zack. Cornelia immediately called them back, and they picked up right away

Zack angrily said, Nelly, where did you run off to again? Why didn’t you answer your phone? Do you know how worried we were?” 

Cornelia didn’t want them to worry, so she lied, 1 got drunk last night and stayed at a hotel. I was busy with work during the day and didn’t have time to answer your calls ” 

Abigail complained, Your boss is too much, it’s already 9 pm. Where are you now? We’ll come to get you.” 

Cornelia said, I’m near Blueshell Mansion” 

Zack said, Find a coffee shop to sit in, and don’t wander around. We’re coming now” 

Okay.After hanging up, Cornelia dragged her weak body to the bathroom, freshened up, and changed into her work clothes 

Dr. Dawson had already washed her work clothes for her, and they were clean and tidy

After getting ready, Cornelia came out of the room and into the living room. To her surprise, Marcus was also there, holding a tablet and seemingly looking at some documents. 

President Hartley…” She greeted him, but he just grunted without lifting his head

Dr Dawson handed Cornelia a bowl of oatmeal, asking. Why did you change your clothes?” 

Cornelia smiled and answered, My friends are coming to pick me up and take me home.” 

Dr. Dawson instinctively looked at Marcus…. 

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