Chapter 590 

She was contemplating switching careers to learn cooking skills, wondering if it was too late? 

Marcus answered Comelia nonchalantly. “The money I earn is for spending I make a truckload of cash. If I don’t enjoy it myself, should I let some other guy enjoy it when I’m gone?” 

Comelia was taken aback. 

What a petty guy! He was actually holding a grudge. 

Seeing that it was getting late, Cornelia said, “President Hartley, maybe you should take a break. You’re not looking so good. You should avoid overworking and take a rest” 

Marcus slightly lowered his head, his complex gaze fell on Cornella, suddenly asked, “Cornelia, do you like kids?” 

Cornelia was speechless. 

Could it be that because she just hugged him, he was already thinking about having a baby with her? 

She did like kids, but she didn’t want to have a baby at this age. 

Marcus saw her hesitation, guessing she might not like kids, “It’s okay if you don’t like kids, I don’t like them either” 

Cornelia knew he was considering her feelings, felt a bit touched, ‘I don’t dislike kids. I’m just young and want to work for a few years before considering having a baby” 

Marcus said, “Hmm, do whatever you want. Don’t worry about others‘ opinions.” 

Cornelia didn’t answer 

Why did he have to be so considerate? Why was he treating her so well? Didn’t he know that spoiling her unconditionally like this would make her overly dependent on him? 

Marcus said, “Let’s go back and rest” 

Cornelia answered, “Okay” 

Back in the room, Cornelia saw her flushed face in the mirror and truly realized her embarrassment. 

She just faced Marcus like this, and he didn’t point it out directly, being quite considerate of her feelings. How could she have the nerve to act like nothing happened? 

“Ah!” Cornelia felt so embarrassed that she started rolling on the bed. 

This was so awkward‘ Embarrassing herself in front of Marcus. 

Because of this, Cornelia couldn’t sleep she took out her phone, wanted to chat with someone. After looking around, she decided to chat with Hannah. 

Cornelia [Hannah, are you asleep yet? Did Ashley say it’s a wrap?] 

After sending the message and waiting for a while, she finally got a response from Hannah: [Ms. Stewart, why are you looking for Hannah so late? Any problems?] 

It turned out that Steven took Hannah’s phone 

Cornelia. President Dixon, good evening! I just wanted to chat with Hannah, could you please give her back her phone?] 

Steven: [I’ve just worn her out, and she fell asleep already. After she’s rested a bit, I’ve to go at it again. She might not sleep well tonight. If you have anything, find her tomorrow afternoon] 

Cornelia was stunned He was so shameless! Since he had done it, why told her? 

He was so shameless, couldn’t he consider Hannah’s feelings? 

Zavier didn’t know how to cherish his wife. Steven, although he cherished his wife a lot, he was no different from an immoral person. 

What kind of friends had Marcus made? 

While Cornelia was angry, Jeremy’s message came: [Cornelia, do you still need me?] 

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