Chapter 576 

Cornelia shook her head, “I’m not upset, I’m just really touched by how genuinely nice everyone’s been to me ” 

Usually a tough cookie, she seemed emotional today. Her eyes were puffy and red Was she really moved or was it something else? Marcus wasrit sure. “Why don’t you go back to your room and take a break? You’re always welcome to read the books in the study, no need for my permission.” 

His voice was as deep and commanding as always, but there was an unusual softness in his tone 

If her allergies worsened, it would be a hassle for everyone. Plus, Cornelia was still figuring out how to face him as her new self, “Okay, I’ll go rest a bit 

The guest room where Cornelia stayed was just like the last tiree she was here. But a closer look revealed some new, tasteful decorations 

There was the teddy bear she bought at the Capital, a crystal lamp, and even a small bookshelf filled with books she hadn’t read before. 

Everything was arranged to her taste. 

At his place, he had already prepared a room for her, as if he had already decided that she was the lady of the house. 

When she arrived today and was cutting fruit in the kitchen with Patricia, Patricia had told her, “Nelly, check out your room later. Let me know if there’s anything you want to add or change” 

Cornelia replied, ‘Patricia, this isn’t my home I don’t come here often. You don’t have to fuss over me so much.” 

She clearly saw the disappointment in Patricia’s eyes. 

Marcus‘ family, Granny Luisa, Briana, and Patricia, they all knew she was Marcus” wife and treated her as family 

Cornelia didn’t understand why they were all in cahoots with Marcus to hide this from her. Why wouldn’t Marcus tell her the truth about her identity? Did he have some kind. of worry or concern? 

Cornelia quickly found her answer 

It was something Jeremy had said to her during a chat on WhatsApp that hit her hard, he was afraid she would leave him. 

Who was Marcus? He was the man that many women wanted to marry. He was so high and mighty, unreachable, and nobody knew he had fears too. 

Briana had once told her about Jeremy’s situation. His parents had a troubled marriage, both of them having affairs. If it hadn’t been for Granny Luisa, Jeremy might not have survived 

So it was Marcus who had a troubled childhood 

Understanding this, it wasn’t hard to understand why Marcus would put his own father in jail, and why he would kick his mother out of the Hartley family. 

The outside world saw Marcus as a ruthless man for putting his father in jail and expelling his mother from the Hartley family. Nobody knew about his childhood, nobody knew what he’d been through 

Because he was so powerful, everything he did seemed like he was bullying others, no one ever thought he needed care and love too. 

Cornelia’s heart ached more and more, so much that she tossed and turned on the bed. 

She swore she would treat him well in the future, to let him know there was someone in this world willing to stand by him and face life’s challenges together. 

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