Chapter 569 

Comelia seemed to feel that wasn’t enough to tick him off, so she slowly added, “If you kick the bucket, your wife is still so young, and she’d definitely shack up with another guy Then, she and the other guy would be spending your dough, living in your mansion, sleeping in your bed ” 

Before Cornelia could finish, she saw Marcus fuming He whipped out his phone and dialed Dr. Lester, ‘Get everything ready, I’m coming down 

Cornelia was dreaming of his demise, so she could take his money and marry another man, live in his house, sleep in his bed. Dream on, he was going to stay hate and hearty, outlive her even 

Cornelia was speechless 

She thought Marcus was different from other men, that simple provocations wouldn’t work on him. 

Well, looked like this trick worked on all men. 

While Cornelia was still basking in the success of her strategy, Marcus’s pleasant voice once again reached her ears, “What do you want to do this afternoon?” 

Comelia’s main task today was to cook dinner for him. A meal for one, didn’t take much time. If he didn’t bother her, she’d have some personal time, “If President Hartley doesn’t have any other tasks, I’d like to read in your study if that’s okay with you?” 

“Let’s go.” He didn’t say whether he agreed, just lead the way. Cornelia had no choice but to follow him quickly with the fruit plate in her hand. 

The drip took a long time. Theoretically, it was most comfortable lying in bed, but Marcus chose to have it in the study. 

As long as he was willing to get treatment and rest, it was all good for Dr. Lester. No matter where the drip was. 

After hanging the drip for Marcus, Dr. Lester gave Cornelia a look before leaving, “Come out with me, I need a favor.” 

Cornelia followed him out, even thoughtfully closed the door for Marcus, “Dr. Lester, what’s up?” 

Dr. Lester whispered, “Can you tell me, how did you persuade Marc to get the shot?” 

He knew Cornelia could persuade Marcus, but he didn’t expect it so soon. She went up to the third floor and only a few minutes later, he got a call from Marcus. So he was very curious 

He also wanted to learn from Cornelia, so he could persuade Marcus himself if she wasn’t around one day 

Influenced by Dr. Lester, Cornelia also lowered her voice, “I told him, if he doesn’t take care of his health and dies from illness. Then his wife might marry another man with his money. And she and the other man would be spending his money, living in his big house, sleeping in his bed.” 

Dr. Lester was sweating. “Uh, stop, I got the point.” 

Only Cornelia could use this method. If he dared to say it, Marcus would probably kick him into the Riverton River to feed the fish. 

Cornelia said, “Alright, you go ahead. I’ll keep an eye on Marcus, make sure he finishes his drip and eats properly” 

Dr. Lester replied, “You’re doing great.” 

Cornelia returned to the study to find Marcus sitting on the couch, an IV in one hand, a book in the other, engrossed 

The sunlight from outside streamed through the large floor–to–ceiling windows, casting a golden glow on him, making him look like a painting. It was hard to take her eyes 


Cornelia always knew Marcus had a handsome face and a great body. Even casually, he could still take her breath away. 

That face, totally model material. 

Although Marcus seemed to be reading, his attention was always on Cornelia. From the corner of his eye, he saw Cornelia leave with Dr. Lester and return alone Naturally, he knew she was watching him. 

But he didn’t know what she was trying to see in him? 

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