Chapter 555 

The bullet had gone through his chest, missing his heart by only half a centimeter 

Without even going through Marcusdetailed medical records, the news alone was enough to make Cornelia’s heart race and scalp tingle. ‘Dr. Lester, when did this happen?” 

How come she never heard about it

Dr. Lester slowly said, it was probably more than ten years ago Marc had just taken over the Hartley Group, and he was set up by a competitor while doing business abroad. He nearly died

“A group of us worked around the clock to save him. When he woke up, he faced new problems. He had to sign contracts while his body was still weak, which led to his 

health issues 

If Marc had listened to us and rested, he should be fine. But he’s been busy all these years, rarely taking time to rest, and neglecting his health, which has worsened his 


Cornelia quickly asked, If President Hartley rests well in the future, will his condition improve?” 

As long as Marc can calm down and rest, his condition will definitely improve. The problem isDr. Lester rubbed his forehead and sighed, I don’t know why, but Marc doesn’t seem to have much will to live” 

No will to live? How could he not have a will to live?Cornelia repeated Dr. Lester’s words. For a moment, many things about Marcus flashed through her mind, but she couldn’t think of any way to ignite Marcuswill to live

As Marcuspersonal assistant, she felt she knew a lot about him. But when he really needed her help, she realized she didn’t know anything about him and couldn’t help him solve any problems

This feeling of powerlessness made her very upset

Dr. Lester sighed. The only thing Marc has really cared about over the years is work. He’s immersed in it every day, 365 days a year, hoping every day can be used for work. Anyone working so long with no leisure or hobbies will have problems” 

Cornelia agreed with Dr. Lester, that one could not only focus on work, but also needed leisure life

She said, Dr. Lester, when President Hartley wakes up, you all have to persuade him to pay more attention to his health. He already had serious health problems before he was thirty. What about the next few decades?” 

Dr Lester said, “Your persuasion should be more effective than ours.” 

Cornelia was unsure if Dr. Lester knew about her other relationship with Marcus, and this made her a bit uneasy. What do you mean?” 

Dr. Lester asked, You’ve not been working with Marc for long, so you might not have seen his previous work pattern. Do you think his current work state is already 


Cornelia nodded seriously. Yes” 

Dr. Lester continued, Before you came, Marc’s work intensity was even greater, with several days and nights of nonstop work being common. Your arrival has reduced his latenight work I think you have a certain influence on him, and your persuasion will be more effective” 

Comelia had never thought she could have an impact on Marcus. After hearing Dr. Lester, she realized she could help

Of course, it wasn’t her assistant identity that influenced him, but her identity as his wife. When he didn’t take his medicine on time, mentioning his wife was very effective

Since she had some influence on Marcus, could she help him wake up sooner

Thinking of this, Cornelia suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question, Dr. Lester, how many years have you been with President Hartley?” 

Dr. Lester asked, Why do you suddenly ask that?” 

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