Chapter 552 

He still had a poker face, but Cornelia could feel his respect for her 

Cornelia let her guard down, What’s up?” 

Ayden said, President Hartley’s condition is much worse than what you’ve seen. If you’re not busy with anything else, could you please go back and stay with President Hartley? You don’t have to do anything, just be by his side.” 

Is he in bad shape?Cornelia had known Ayden for a long time, but this was the first time she heard him talk so much. She had a hunch that something was fishy 

Ayden was Marcusmost trusted subordinate. It was very likely that he was trying to deceive her under Marcusorders

She had just come out of Marcus hospital room. He looked fine, did not look like a patient at all

Ayden said. His condition is critical” 

Cornelia didn’t want to see Marcus at this moment, and she hesitated, “I’m not a doctor My presence might just add to their problems” 

Ayden, My mom has been taking care of President Hartley for many years. She may have overstepped her boundaries when she spoke to you earlier. Please don’t mind her May I ask you to accompany President Hartley?” 

Ayden was generally a man of few words, he wouldn’t talk unless necessary. The fact that he was explaining so much tonight probably meant that Marcus’s condition was really bad 

Abby, go back in Zack’s car. I’m going to check on Marcus.Cornelia got out of the car, locked it, and followed Ayden into the hospital

Once in the elevator, Cornelia quickly pressed the button for the eighth floor Ayden pressed for the sixth floor

He said. President Hartley is on the sixth floor now

Cornelia had a bad feeling, Why are we going to the sixth floor?” 

Ayden, You’ll see when you get there.” 

The elevator arrived at the sixth floor quickly. As the elevator doors opened, Cornelia followed Ayden’s footsteps into the corridor. She saw the gleaming lettersICU

Just seeing this made Cornelia’s legs go weak. Past events played back in her mind like a movie

Blood, the man lying on a stretcher, doctors in white coats rushing around…. 

*Comelia Ayden had walked a distance before he realized that Cornelia hadn’t kept up. He quickly came back to help her, What’s wrong?” 

Cornelia shook her head, struggling to stay calm, President Hartley is in the ICU?” 

Ayden nodded 

Cornelia, What kind of illness does he have?” 

Ayden didn’t answer 

Cornelia took a deep breath, straightened her back and walked weakly to the ICU

Through the transparent glass window, Cornelia saw Marcus lying inside. He was wearing an oxygen mask, with many tubes inserted in his body, an IV drip in his hand, and his face was as pale as paper, without a trace of color

Cornelia could hardly believe what she was seeing. When she left, he looked healthy. It wasn’t that long ago, how could he become so weak

She opened her mouth, and asked with difficulty. How did this happen? What has he been through while I was away?” 

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