Chapter 528 

The guy on the other end of the line replied, Well, if I’m not nice to you, who else would I be nice to? I’ve made a bunch of copies of those documents. I’ll send you 

one tomorrow.” 

Clair asked, Do you have contact information for that old lady?” 

The guy on the phone said, “I’ll text you her number later.” 

Clair replied, Alnght.” 

After hanging up, Clair gripped her phone tightly. Her eyes were flickering with a ruthless glint. She had sacrificed a lot to get where she was now, and she wouldn’t let anyone mess it up 

Anyone who didn’t belong in this city had to go

Comelia had a little shopping spree, buying a casual long skirt, two loose Tshirts, art two pairs of shorts. 

On her days off, she liked to chill at home. She would put on just a Tshirt and a pair of shorts, and she was good for the whole summer 

After shopping. Comelia took the subway home and picked up some groceries for dinner at the supermarket near her apartment complex

Once home, she started cooking 

Just as she was pulling the last dish out of the pot, the door opened. Zack and Abigail came in, as if they had timed it to coincide with her finishing up dinner 

They walked in saying. The moment we stepped out of the elevator, we smelled food It has to be your cooking.” 

Comelia chuckled and said, I just whipped up something simple, not a feast or anything” 

Abigail said. That’s fine. I’m trying to lose weight anyway.” 

Zack walked into the kitchen, washed his hands, and started bringing the dishes to the table, BBQ, fish and chips, lobster, and onion rings, these are all goodies. Since when did you become so modest?” 

Abigail hugged Cornelia, planting kisses on her cheek, These are all my favorite dishes, Cornelia. I just adore you.” 

Comeka bashfully wiped her cheek, Abigail, don’t just kiss me randomly.” 

Abigail chuckled, Your boyfriend hasn’t even shown up, and you’re already keeping me at arm’s length.” 

Cornelia retorted, Yes, aside from my boyfriend, I don’t let anyone else kiss me” 

Abigail challenged, Why?Then she hugged Cornelia again and planted two more kisses on her cheek, I want to leave my mark on you, to show that you’re mine. Let’s see if your boyfriend dares to challenge me.” 

Zack frowned, Can you two not be so gross? Are you doing this on purpose to keep me from eating?” 

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