Chapter $24 

Granny Luisa said, Then you should go take a break after breakfast” 

Cornelia: Granny, I’m fine. I get my energy back in a bit. Cornelia woke up early to have breakfast with the two old ladies, then walked with them in the yard and chats, spending as much time with them as possible

Her main purpose of coming to Southern Peak was to accompany the two grannies she spent the whole day shut in her room sleeping, she might as well not 


During the walk, the conversation somehow veered back to Comelia and Jeremy, and naturally, the topic of having kids came up again

Comelia really didn’t want to continue this topic, so she quickly changed the subject. Grannies, what do you want for lunch? I can cook for you, okay?” 

Granny Luisa said. No need, someone is already preparing lunch.” 

Granny Rebecca said. Next time remember to bring Jay with you to Southern Peak We want to ask when he’s planning to have kids.” 

Granny Luisa said, Or I can call Jeremy now to ask what he’s thinking?” 

Cornelia quickly intervened, “Granny, Jeremy’s phone was stolen, and we can’t get in touch with him now.” 

Granny Luisa said, Then we’ll contact him later. Anyway, you two need to start planning for a baby, and you can’t delay any longer. If it drags on, we two old ladies might not see your child even when we’re six feet under

This kind of pressure to have children made Cornelia feel stressed. She originally bought a ticket to return to Riverton in the evening, but she changed it to the afternoon, returning to Riverton earlier 

Back in Riverton, she had some time to kill, so Comelia decided to hit the mall and buy some clothes, otherwise she’d have nothing to wear during the summer. The nearest mall to her home was the Riverton Holiday Plaza

This mall is a large complex incorporating a shopping centre, offices, and a fivestar themed hotel. It’s conveniently located above a subway station and is one of Riverton’s most famous fivestar shopping centres

The first to fifth floors of the mall have more affordable brands that the average office worker can afford

The sixth floor features restaurants offering dishes from all over the country. Generally, a meal for three costs about $100, which is within Cornelia’s budget

The seventh to ninth floors offer international luxury brands, with the cheapest clothing starting in the five figures. It’s a place for the rich

The tenth floor also has restaurants, but these are highend ones, with meals starting at $1000 per person

Places like these, Cornelia and her friends could only afford to come once a year. Even if they had some savings in their accounts, they wouldn’t want to come a second time. Paying the bill after a meal felt like they were cutting off a few pounds of flesh

Cornelia made her way to the first floor

Just a few steps in, she heard a sweet voice behind her, Cornelia!” 

When she heard this voice, Cornelia realized it was Natalia

She turned around to see Natalia walking towards her in stilettos, Cornelia, it’s really you. I thought I was seeing things. Are you here to shop for clothes too?” 

YesCornelia looked at Natalia 

The weather was hot today. Natalia had ditched her usual simple attire and was wearing a white longsleeved bubble dress, with a small scarf tied around her neck. While speaking, Natalia lightly pulled her scarf, revealing a mark that looked like a hickey under the scarf

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