Chapter 512 

Abigail knew Cornelia was asking out of concern, she might not even bother if it was someone else 

Since they were both there today. Abigail spilled the beans about her boyfriend, He’s a Rosenberg guy, lives in Ashbourne Valley He’s an only child, and his parents run a small grocery store that’s doing pretty well. They have two houses in Ashbourne Valley, one for his folks, and the other’s his wedding house. He’s just like us, went to Riverton University and stayed on to work in Riverton after graduation He’s working at SwiftTech now” 

Swift Tech is a budding tech company in Riverton that’s been growing rapidly over the past few years. Apparently, the perks are great, and if you stick around for over ten years, you even get a share of the profits. But, even if the company’s great, the quality of an employee can’t be reflected through work alone

Cornelia asked again, What does he do there?” 

Abigail had to think, ‘He mentioned it to me, but I can’t recall. Something about the marketing department, or some other department. I’m not sure about the specificsComelia lightly tapped her forehead, You’re about to get hitched, and you don’t even know these things. Are you sure you’re okay with handing yourself over to him?Abigail pouted, Look who’s talking! You and Jeremy went straight to get your marriage license after your first meeting. Did you even think about these things?” 

Comelia replied, It’s not the same with Jeremy and me.” 

Abigail asked, What’s different?” 

Comelia said, Jeremy’s the grandson of my grandma’s friend. I may not know Jeremy well, but my grandma knows him through his grandma.” 

Abigail said, You make your mariage sound like it’s arranged.” 

Cornelia was speechless

Enough chitchat, we still have to go to the studio,” Zack interrupted them, then said, Those gifts were bought by Abigail and me. Give them to your grandma and send her our regards. We’ll visit her when we have time.” 

Thanks!Cornelia said, Once I’m back from Southern Peak and have someone to renovate the new house, I’ll bring grandma back to Riverton in two or three months. We H move into the new house. As long as I’m not traveling, I’ll be able to see grandma every day.” 

Zack said, Cool, I’ve ordered some moving boxes online. Once they arrive, you two can start packing. We’ll move some stuff over the weekend.” 

Cornelia said, Okay.” 

After they left for work, Cornelia went back to her room, took off her work clothes, and let her hair down

She mostly wore business suits for work, so her wardrobe was filled with them, making it hard to find a suitable casual outfit

Cornelia realized that she hadn’t been shopping for clothes since starting to work closely with Marcus last summer, due to the increased workload. The prettiest thing in her closet was a white dress she bought a couple of days before agreeing to marry Jeremy, at her grandma’s suggestion…. 

Zack was right. She had been a lot busier since joining the Hartley Group. Apart from a few hours of sleep, she spent almost all her time working

Sure, she was tired, but Cornelia didn’t complain. There’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world. If you want a high salary, you have to put in more effort than others

Like Marcus, he’s the world’s richest man, but he also worked long hours. She rarely saw him idle, taking a few days off to rest

Sigh, why the hell was she thinking about that marriagebetraying man again

Cornelia shook her head, driving away thoughts and people that shouldn’t be in her mind

She took out the white dress, ironed it neatly, put it on, and headed for the train station to catch a train to Southern Peak

The train ride from Riverton to Southern Peak took less than half an hour, and the frequency was great, making it very convenient to commute

Chapter 513 

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