Chapter 502 

Natalia was shaking like a leaf, Marcus, I’ve always had the hots for you. I wanna be your wife.” 

You think you’re good enough for me? Marcus sneered, turning around and yelling to the window, “Come on in, all of you” 

As soon as he finished speaking two heads popped up from outside the window

It was only when they climbed in that Natalia saw one was Dr. Dawson, and the other was a big brawny guy 

He was the spitting image of Ayden, only without the gnarly scar on his face 

This was Ayden’s twin brother, Jayden

Jayden, towering over Natalia, asked, President Hartley, what should we do with this chick?” 

Marcus gave Natalia a glance, Since she’s so desperate for a man, let’s give her all the men she wants” 

Knowing Marcustemper, Natalia began to beg. Marcus, I didn’t have a choice. Please, let me off the hook

Marcus was never a softy, anyone who crossed him never ended up well

Just as he was about to give the next order, Natalia’s words made him pause, Marcus, Cornelia and I are friends. Please, for the love of Cornelia, let me off the hook this 


At the mention of Cornelia, Marcusrage cooled off a bit, Jayden, I’ll leave this chick for you to deal with.” 

He headed for the bathroom, Get my fresh clothes The smell on him was making him sick, he needed a wash ASAP. 

Jayden quickly got his fresh clothes and then handed Natalia something. You dropped Cornelia’s name and got President Hartley to go easy on you, but this ain’t over yet.” 

Natalia went as pale as a sheet, What are you gonna do to me?” 

Jayden said expressionlessly. Read what I gave you, and follow the instructions after we leave. Don’t let Zavier smell a rat that President Hartley’s gone.” 

Natalia looked at what Jayden gave her. As soon as she saw what it was, she threw it away immediately She was too scared to look at Jayden again, I can’t act ” 

She always wanted to be with Marcus, but she had always been a virgin, never did the deed. How could she act it out all on her own

Jayden said, You can’t act? Do you need someone else to act with you?” 

Natalia was too scared to say a word 

Jayden, don’t scare her Dr. Dawson picked up what Natalia threw on the floor, walked over to her, gently patting her shoulder, Ms. Reese, you got this.” 

Natalia didn’t have a choice, she had to do it

She didn’t have another option. Maybe, she once had another choice. When Zavier called her tonight, if she didn’t show up, she wouldn’t be in this mess. But she lost her head and chose what she thought was a quick way to make her dreams come true

Chapter 503 

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