Chapter 495 

Natalia knew for sure, if Cameron found out she was playing him, he’d surely off her But she wasn’t ready to kick the bucket yet! 

Even if her everyday life was a living hell, she wanted to keep hanging in there because there was always hope while she was alive 

Plus, she knew she only got one shot at life, there were no do overs. Once she died, she’d have nothing 

Natalia took a deep breath, mustering up the strength to pick herself up off the ground despite feeling weak as a kitten. 

She had to win Marcus over for real before Cameron got wind of the truth. The only person who could help her now was Cornelia. 

Thinking of Comelia, Natalia immediately whipped out her phone and shot a text [Cornelia, heard you’re taking it easy these days. How about I swing by around lunchtime, we grab a bite and then hit the shops in the afternoon?] 

It was the middle of the night and Natalia wasn’t holding her breath for a reply from Cornelia. However, no sooner had she put down her phone than it buzzed. 

Cornelia texted back: [Sorry, I’m spending the day with my granny tomorrow.] 

Natalia wasn’t ready to throw in the towel. She sent a voice message straight away, ‘Cornelia, are you still holding a grudge against me. Don’t you like me? I’m genuinely sorry, I hope we can be friends.” 

Comelia replied (What’s past is past. I’m not petty don’t sweat it.] 

Seeing Cornelia’s response, Natalia breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason, she just trusted Comelia, believing that she wouldn’t pull a fast one on her 

Natalia asked again [Cornelia, how come you’re still up so late?] 

Cornelia replied [I ate too much tonight, my stomach’s giving me grief. I’ve been in and out of the bathroom.] 

Natalia asked [Got any meds? Want me to swing by with some?] 

Cornelia replied (I’ve already taken some, feeling a bit better now. Gonna go to sleep, you should too. Night!] 

Natalia asked [Cornelia, are we friends now then?] 

Cornelia replied. [As long as you don’t rope me into chasing Marcus, we can be friends] 

Natalia replied somewhat dejectedly: [But without Marcus, I wouldn’t be able to keep going.] 

When Cornelia saw Natalia’s message, her headache started up again. She didn’t really want to deal with this lovestruck girl, but somehow she couldn’t help but soften. 

Fighting off sleepiness, Cornelia said: [Natalia, no one’s life is over just because someone else is gone. Even your parents will leave this world before you do. How can you not live without a man who has nothing to do with you?] 

Natalia replied. Without him, I can’t live.] 

Cornelia said: [You’re really stubborn. Marcus is already hitched, he doesn’t feel for you. You’re only hurting yourself] 

Natalia told Cornelia [When I was a kid, my mom and family told me that I would be Marcus’s wife one day I lived with that thought for over a decade. And just when i thought I was going to be Marcus’s bride, they told me Marcus had already married someone else.] 

Cornelia was really at a loss about Natalia’s family! 

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