Chapter 492 

She chuckled, lears welling up in her eyes

Upon seeing this, Austin grew worried. Ms Reese, what’s wrong?” 

Natalia wiped away her tears and shook her head. Im fine, just got some dust in my eyes because of the wind.” 

She didn’t want to talk about it and Austin didn’t pry further. That was professionalism for a driver 

Just as Austins car pulled away, a red sports car zoomed in. The roar of the engine in the dead of night was as loud as thunder nearly piercing the easdrums 

Watching the car charging straight at him Marcus didn’t move an inch, or even blink. The car made a sudden stop, halting just a few feet away from him Zavier rolled down the window. Marc, didn’t that scare you?” 

Marcus snorted Weren’t you leaving? Why are you still here?” 

Threats like this didn’t scare him, not even when someone once pointed a gun at his head 

Zawier said if I leave who’s gonna drive you home? Get in Ill take you home to Reese Mansion, or your villa Wherever you want. I promise to be a good driver” 

Why would Marcus turn down a free chauffeur? Marcus got in the car Before he could buckle up. Zaver floored the pedal and the car shot off like an arrow The car tore through the city streets, reckless and wild It was enough to scare the bejeezus out of anyone faint hearted. But Marcus didn’t bat an eyelid 

Seeing he didn’t flinch. Zavier found it dull and slowed down Mare, you’re no ordinary man‘ 

Marcus didn’t respond 

The car kept moving getting farther from Marcus’s residence 

Zavier shook his head. Marc, you re such a bore. You knew I was taking you somewhere else, yet you got in my car. And you don’t even ask where we’re going 

Marcus said, If I ask will you take me home

Zavier said. Any sane person would” 

Marcus asked, So you’re saying I’m insane 

Zaver said You are 

Would a sane person put their own father in prison? Would a sane person throw their mother out of the house? He wasn’t just insane, he was less than human 

Marcus chuckled but said nothing Zavier wasn’t the only one who thought he was insane or less than human 

Zavier floored the pedal again. Marc, buckle up. Let’s go have some fun” 

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