Chapter 466 

Cornelia shelled out over thirty bucks for a pretty decent single room in a chain hotel Lucky for her, it was off peak season for tourism

By the time she checked in, dawn was breaking Comelia tidied up a bit and hit the sack. She snoozed until almost noon, completely throwing her normal routine out of 


When she woke up, Cornelia instinctively grabbed her phone. After unlocking it, she saw two messages from Hannah

[Cornelia, Steven told me you’re visiting Woodpine If you don’t have other plans for lunch, can we grab a bite?

[Cornelia, hit me up after you wake up I won’t call you in case it wakes you up.

Cornelia immediately replied [Sure, where you at? Ill head over now

Shortly after sending the message. Hannah quickly sent an address. Cornelia saw that the restaurant was not far away from her hotel, a few minuteswalk at most. She sprung out of bed, freshened up, and hurried off to the restaurant

Once she got there, she even spotted a couple of familiar faces. Only then did she realize her boss, Marcus, was there too

And it wasn’t just Marcus. Lucas and his wife and Zavier were there as well

The last time she saw Zavier, he looked full of life. But it hadn’t been that long since then. Today Zavier hadn’t even bothered to shave. He looked beat, like he aged a decade 


Cornelia couldn’t help but stare at him a little longer Zavier was also staring at her, his eyes filled with a piercing intensity, like he wanted to swallow her whole

To be honest, Cornelia was somewhat scared of the way Zavier was looking at her, but she knew she couldn’t let him get the upper hand. So, she held her head high, puffed up her chest, and walked in 

Before she even had a chance to greet Marcus, she was warmly embraced by Hannah and Rosie

Hannah said, Cornelia, we’ve missed you so much. Today, just the three of us girls will go out and find somewhere fun to go, without these guys.” 

Cornelia touched Hannah’s significantly thinner face, I’m game, but I’m not sure if President Dixon and Lucas will let us go.” 

Steven walked over and softly pecked Hannah’s cheek under everyone’s watchful gaze, I don’t know if Lucas will let his wife go, but won’t let you out of my sight.” 

Hannah gently avoided Steven’s touch, a bit annoyed, Can’t you give us a little personal space?” 

Steven gently pinched her earlobe, What can’t you say in front of us?” 

Hannah pushed his hand away, Girls definitely have some things that guys shouldn’t hear.” 

Steven looked at Cornelia. You can say it to others, but not to Cornelia. Don’t let her lead you astray.” 

Cornelia really wanted to chew him out, but considering the circumstances. She held back, President Dixon, have I offended you?” 

Steven said, Not yet. But I’m always afraid that if you take Hannah away. I’ll end up heartbroken like Zavier.” 

Cornelia didn’t respond. She had fallen asleep as soon as she arrived at the hotel last night, so she had no clue what significant events had transpired around her while she was out cold 

d her away already 

Chapter 467 

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