Chapter 444 

Cornella wasn’t sure what to bring up, so she asked. Is there anything in particular you fancy chatting about?

Jeremy answered [Well, the main reason I texted you tonight was to ask if you’re happy with the house renovations? When are you planning to move in? Just give me a heads up on the date, and I’ll sort out the moving company for you

He’d just asked about her house, no sweet nothings, but it still managed to tug at Cornelia’s heartstrings, It caused her tears to uncontrollably trickle down her cheeks

Choking back her sobs, Cornelia voiced her deepest feelings, Jeremy, can you come back to Riverton sooner? I really miss you, I can’t wait to see your 

Such a shame Jeremy couldn’t hear her

After crying her heart out and drying her tears, Cornelia replied to his message: [The guy you recommended. Trent, is topnotch and super responsible. I’m really satisfied with how he did up my house. It’s gonna take a while before I can move in. I’m planning to move some of the nonessentials over in the meantime.

Jeremy replied. [Alright, get your stuff sorted and I’ll get someone over to help with the move

Cornelia said [I don’t have much to move. Zack, Abby and I should be able to handle it. And about that time you heard someone call me baby, that was Zack. Zack’s a guy, Abby’s a girl. We’ve known each other since we were kids, went to college in Riverton together, and decided to stay and build our lives here after graduation. They’re important to me, people I cherish deeply

Jeremy replied [if they’re important to you, I’ll treat them right too

Cornelia knew Jeremy’s feelings for her were more out of a sense of duty as her husband, rather than love. But she never expected him to extend that to her friends. His words moved her to tears again. She quickly changed the subject: [You’re getting sweeter by the minute

Jeremy asked [Am I really that sweet?

Cornelia answered [We’ll see when we meet, I’ll have a taste and see how sweet you really are


After sending the message. Cornelia realized she’d been a bit too forward and felt guilty. She quickly retracted her message, pretending nothing had happened 

She had no idea if Jeremy had seen her message, either way, he didn’t respond

Lying in bed, her cheeks flushed Cornelia said to Jeremy: [I’m turning in for the night, goodnight!

Marcus replied: [Goodnight.] He thought about the message Cornelia had retracted, he’d have to make sure she got a taste. He couldn’t let her down

Photos of President Hartley and his wife were making the rounds online, it wasn’t just netizens busy discussing their photos. Behind the scenes, someone was busy too

After reading the news online, Cameron Reese hesitated before dialing a longuncontacted number

He said to the person on the other end of the line, You must’ve seen the news by now. Marc and his wife were spotted tonight, their photo was posted online. I’ve sent someone to find the person who took the photo. Once we find him, we’ll know the identity of Marc’s wife.” 

HalA cold, middleaged male voice laughed over the phone, No wonder the gap between our two companies has grown ever since your generation took over. You and Marcus have known each other since you were kids. Yet after all these years, you still don’t get him?” 

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