Chapter 304 

Ben asked nervously President Hartley, did I do something wrong?” 

Marcus coldly replied. Stop sucking up to Cornelia all the time I cant even get her to notion me, let alone you” 

That was a subtle hint at Ber’s average looks 

Feeling winged Ben said. President Harties when have I been sucking up to Cornelia? Besides were both your assistants, we spend more time together than with our families if we get along well won’t that improve our work efficiency? Why are you blaming me?” 

Marcus said Shes married. You can be nice to her but not too much” 

Ben quickly responded. But you treat her much better than I do She’s married, and so are you if you can be nice to her why cant (?

Marcus, If only natural that I’m good to my wife 

Ben, a bit dumbfounded, I didn’t say you shouldn’t be good to your wife” 

Marbu Get lost 

Ben wat Speechless

So he was kicked out, he might as well go it wasn’t his first time being kicked out anyway 

Meanwhile, when Comelia returned to her room, she didn’t immediately pack her bags She texted Jeremy on hei phone, Jeremy did you arrange for Marcus to take me to his place

Recently Comelia had been really busy, barely having enough time to rest, let alone test Jeremy Jeremy said he was also busy, and they hadn’t chatted on WhatsApp for a while

After sending the message, Comelia waited a bit before receiving a response from Jermy, Yes, I arranged for him to take you to his place. You can stay there without worry if you need anything, just let him know” 

Upon receiving Jeremy’s affirmative response, Cornelia was fuming

What an idiot 

She angrily typed. Do you know his wife isnt in Paris? Do you know if I go there, it’ll just be him and me? Do you know what can happen if a man and a woman live together?

Jeremy. He’s a trustworthy person. You can trust him.” 

Comets, “Do you know what he did to me in Harbor City?” 

Reading thit Marcus thought hard. They only stayed in Harbor City for a day, and he had been very restrained with his feelings for her. What could he ham done to make her so angry?. 

Marcus couldn’t figure it out, so he replied, What did he do to you?” 

Comelia didn’t originally plan to tell him about that incident, but now she had to, When we were in Harbor City, he got drunk and mistook me for his wife. He not only called me honey, but hugged me and even tried to kiss me if I hadn’t dodged in time, i would’ve been kissed by him” 

Jeremy, He hugged you? Called you honey?” 

That night in Harbor City, Marcus did indeed drink a bit too much. He vaguely remembered Steven arranging for a driver to take them back to the hotel, and that he and Comelia went back to the room together, but he couldn’t remember what happened after 

He didn’t realize his alcohol tolerance was so poor And he actually did what he had always wanted to do when sober but didn’t dare to after getting drunk 

Comelia said, Am I supposed to falsely accuse him” 

Jeremy replied, “I didn’t mean that if he offended you, I can apologize on his beha!!” 

Comelia said, I don’t need your apology. I just want to ask you, do you think I can still trust him? Can I dare to move in with him” 

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