Chapter 186 

Eden couldn’t pour the liquid into her mouth and angrily squeezed her jaw tightly, wishing she could pry her mouth open 

Cornelia all of a sudden gave a forceful shove, and the water glass in Eden’s hand was knocked to the ground Get me a syringe Eden was pissed off, forcefully pushing Cornelia against the wall 

Cornelia struggled but couldn’t break free, watching as her sleeve was ripped off and a cold needle was jabbed into her body 

Cornelia could feel the liquid from the syringe rushing into her body. What medicine did you inject the with?The medicine that will make you feel like crying tonight Eden pulled out the needle, grinning wickedly So tell me, how do you feel?” 

At first. Cornelia fet a bit hot, and then her head started to feel foggy The figures in front of her gradually became blurry, and she could only make out their outlines If the person in front of her didn’t speak, she couldn’t even tell if they were male or female

Eden licked his lips. Take her to my room Once I’ve had my fun, you guys can do whatever you want with her.” 


The sturdy door suddenly shattered onto the floor, making a loud noise 

Following that was a tall, muscular man standing in the doorway

Before Eden could even see who it was, he started cursing. Who the hell are you? Do you know who I am? You’re making trouble here, don’t you want to live?Cursing and cursing, Eden was terrified when he saw the tall man appearing behind Ayden. Marcus is here

Marcus actually showed up

Is there some secret love affair between Marcus and Cornelia

Marcus didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, but his presence alone was like the Grim Reaper, casting a looming shadow over everyone 

He coldly scanned the room, walking straight to Cornelia who could barely stand. He pulled her into his warm, strong embrace. “Cornelia.” 

Cornelia couldn’t see or hear clearly, Are you Jeremy?” 

Seeing the injury on her face, Marcus’s breath hitched, “I am Jeremy. I’m sorry I’m late.” 

Jeremy, thank you for coming Jeremy had a comforting scent about him, easing her fears. She let the drugs take over her mind and fainted in his arms 

Im your husband, how could I not come?Marcus scooped her up, gently cradling her head Tm taking you home.” 

Finally snapping back to reality, Eden fell to his knees in front of Marcus, President Hartley, please spare me. I promise I never hurt Cornelia again 

Marcus didn’t even acknowledge him, carrying Cornelia out of the room. Ayden, clean up this mess 

Eden begged for forgiveness in regret. President Hartley, please have mercy. I won’t do it again” 

Roger that.Ayden picked up Eden as if he were a mere chick, then chucked him against the wall

The impact left Eden’s bones feeling disjointed, he lay on the floor, too scared to move

Ayden grabbed Eden by the throat, holding him up with one hand as if he could easily crush him, “Do you know who she is? You dared to lay a hand on her!” 

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