Chapter 155 

In the ward, Cornelia was chatting on Whatsapp, but was interrupted by a call from grandma

She picked up right away, Grandma, happy holidays!” 

Granny Rebecca happily replied. Happy holidays!” 

Just by hearing her grandma’s voice, Cornelia could tell she was in a good mood today. Grandma, did something good happen today?” 

Granny Rebecca said, Nothing much, just wanted to call and tell you that no matter what decision you make, I will support you.” 

Cornelia asked, Grandma, why are you suddenly saying this?” 

1 called you with a video this morning, and I saw everything if you really want to be with Jeremy, Grandma won’t object. You don’t have to hide it from me Anyway, no matter what decision you make, Grandma will support you.” Since the young people were shy and embarrassed to say it, she, as an elder, would make it clear 

She just wanted to tell Cornelia that no matter whether she decided to divorce or continue, she should go for it without any hesitation 

Cornelia thought So, Jeremy really did come over and even answered my grandma’s video call ” 

After ending the call with her grandma, Cornelia immediately opened Whatsapp and indeed found a video call record with her grandma, which Jeremy had picked up for her 

Cornelia was angry and immediately sent Jeremy a questioning message, Jeremy, why are you messing with my phone?” 

Marcus had just lit a cigarette and saw her message. Before he could think of a reply, she sent several more messages in a row

Why are you always silent when I ask you something?” 

Jeremy, answer me!” 

Do you think silence can solve the problem?” 

Marcus thought for a moment and replied to her, I hadn’t picked up, your grandma might have worried.” 

Cornelia said, Do you know that my grandma now misunderstands that we’ve made up?” 

Of course, Marcus knew, and he had deliberately shown that scene to her grandma, but he couldn’t say that 

He replied. That should be good news for me since I don’t want to get divorced.” 

Cornelia said, You’re so annoying!” 

Marcus didn’t respond 

Annoyed, Cornelia put away her phone and took big sips of soup

After finishing a bowl of soup and some greens, she hurried to the next ward to see Skyler


After a day of rest, Skyler still didn’t look very energetic, but she perked up a bit when she saw Cornelia. Cornelia, where did you go today? I was scared you’d find me a burden and stop caring for me” 

No one had told her about Cornelia passing out, so as not to worry her 

How could I not care for you? I just got busy with some other stuff.Cornelia rubbed her head Don’t think too much about anything right now, just focus on getting better 

Tm fine now. Can we leave the Capital now?Skyler grabbed Cornelia’s hand tightly

She couldn’t wait to escape from Zavier and didn’t want to stay in this city for a moment longer

And the only person who could help her escape the Capital was Cornelia’s boss Marcus 

Therefore, Cornelia was her only hope at this moment, her lifesaving straw.Skyler, wait, let me ask the doctor if your body can handle a long journey first Cornelia wanted to take Skyler away from this dangerous place immediately but couldn’t risk harming her health

Skyler’s health is fine, she can leave nowDr. Dawson walked in, President Hartley has already arranged for it. We’ll all be heading back to Riverton tonight.” 

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