I'm A Quadrillionaire
Chapter 585

Chapter 585 (Don't Please don't flatter me today. This is a seat that I wouldn't dare take today!" Cade said as he smiled. What a joke! MP Lidell was going to arrive soon. If he were to take this seat, where would David sit when he arrived later? Would he not just be inviting trouble for himself?

Today, Old Master Stefani, otherwise known as Mason Stefani, was probably the only person in Somerland who held greater power than David.

The other two God Rank guardians, Abraham and Dirk, probably would not be able to overpower David

"Mr. Nelson, you must be joking! Who else would dare take this seat when even you do not dare take it?" Old Master Luther said.

"That's right! Mr. Nelson, this seat is for you. Who among us would have the right to take this seat when even you do not dare take it?"

"That's enough! Please stop trying to persuade me. I won't dare take this seat today, no matter what you say. As for who will have the right to the seat... Well, you'll know shortly," Cade said.

Everyone jolted in surprise when they heard that! Was another important person going to be in attendance today?

If it was someone whom Cade respected so greatly...

They definitely would not be any ordinary person!

Who on earth was that?

Was there such an important person in South River Province?

Or perhaps, it was a representative from the government.

While everyone was still trying to guess which famous person would be coming.

Several more people walked in through the gates.

The leader was a middle-aged man who seemed to be in his fifties.

Behind him were two elders and several youngsters.

Everyone stared at the strangers curiously.

Generally speaking, the later one appeared at a banquet like this, the more powerful they were.

Those with lower social standings usually arrived earlier.

However, these people dared arrive after Cade. Did they have no idea how things worked, or

were they extremely powerful people? Cade's eyes narrowed when he saw the group. As cabinet minister of South River Province, he naturally knew who those people were. The one standing at the very front had even paid him a visit several days ago and tried to get him to join their side. These people were from the Nichols family, who had been responsible for causing recent terror among all the families of South River Province.

Their leader was Franklin Nichols, head of the Nichols family and an extremely powerful peak Dragon Ranker.

Franklin walked up to the main table while the two elders of the Nichols family and his direct descendants followed him.

"Was this seat left for me? In that case, I won't bother with niceties!" Franklin said as he sat at the main table's seat of honor.

What he did aroused discontent in everyone present.

These people were all heads of South River Province's most powerful families, and they all had keen cognitive skills.

From the way Cade had reacted, they could tell they were not the powerful individual Cade had been waiting for. If they were, Cade would already have gotten to his feet to greet them. Besides, virtually all the heads of South River Province's powerful families were here now, so where did this group come from?

Could it be that they were not from South River Province?

How could someone from another province dare take the seat of honor at a table when in South River Province?

Was there something wrong with this person's mind?

Would they not feel ashamed if word got out?

"Who are you? Is that seat one that you can take? Not even Mr. Nelson dared take it! What makes you, an unknown person, think you can sit there?" Someone said accusingly. "That's right! Why don't you screw off? Mr. Nelson left this seat empty for the important guest who will arrive soon! Don't blame us for getting rude if you don't get up soon!"

"Oh? How are you going to treat me rudely? I'm interested! What do you think, Mr. Nelson? Long time no see! Why aren't you saying hi? Could it be that you didn't want to see me?" Franklin asked casually as he placed both his feet on the table.

He even pointed the soles of his shoes towards Cade.

It was as if he had no respect for Cade at all.

Which made sense!

As the head of the Nichols family, his presence was equivalent to that of a peak Dragon


In his eyes, Cade was nothing more than a piece of trash in the beginner stage of Dragon Rank. If Cade were not the cabinet minister of Somerland's South River Province, and that Somerland had the protection of the legendary Mason Stefani, he would be able to crush Cade in the palm of his hand.

"Mr. Nichols! This is Somerland, not some place where you can as you wish! Please do not jeopardize your own position! If not, no one will be able to save you," Cade said with a wooden expression on his face.

Mr. Nichols?

Shock washed over everyone present. They stared at the man sitting at the main table's seat of honor with his feet on the table in shock

Today, there was only one family with the last name Nichols who dared speak to Cade this way. It was the Nichols family, which had been in hiding before this! That was also the family who had caused them to be on tenterhooks lately. Moreover, it was also the reason why they were attending today's party.

They had not expected the Nichols family to attend as well.

Both heads of households who had just been berating Franklin before this shuddered. They wished they could slap themselves across the face.

All the powerful families in South River Province had been doing their best to avoid the Nichols family. Meanwhile, they had just scolded the head of the Nichols family.

Did that not mean they had just signed their own death sentences?

"So what if this is Somerland ? Cade Nelson, don't you understand yet? Mason Stefani is the only person still keeping Somerland afloat. Once he dies, do you think the two God Rank guardians left in Somerland will be able to keep so many sects and families under control? Are you dreaming? When that happens, Somerland will be ours! I would advise you to renounce the dark and seek the light soon!" Franklin said.

He wanted Cade to join the Nichols family's side.

It was not because of Cade's powers, which were in the beginner stages of Dragon Rank. The Nichols family had plenty of such talent.

Having one more did not make much difference!

Similarly, having one less did not make much difference either!

It would not affect things in the long run.

He was after Cade's identity as the cabinet minister of South River Province. Since Mason was not dead yet, they did not dare do as they pleased in Somerland.

However, if they got Cade on their side, it would be much easier for them to control South River Province. Moreover, it would be done in a way which was in accordance with Somerland's rules and regulations. They had to take one step forward! This was to ensure they could keep progressing forward! They wanted to gain control over South River Province as quickly as possible.

If they waited until Mason was dead, Somerland would descend into a pit of chaos. By then, the warlords would split up into different gangs, and it would not be as easy to gain control over South River Province as it was now. Just then, several more people hurried through the gates. When everyone took a closer look, they realized these people were from the Greg family. After the Greg family had told the Nichols family that the Luther family was hosting a birthday party today, and that all the powerful families from South River Province had been invited, the Nichols family had immediately set out to the party with their people.

The Greg family had rushed over too, but they were still one step behind the Nichols family. They stood behind Franklin after arriving, and made it apparent that they operated on the Nichols family's orders. Now, their table attracted everyone's attention. Everyone crowded forth, trying to figure out what was going on.

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