I'm A Quadrillionaire
Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Stan got up to leave the private room.

The other great fighters shared a look and sighed as well.

If even the T-man himself had made it clear that the Chasez family had grown into a force to be reckoned with, then there was nothing more they could do except follow Stan's advice and prepare nicer gifts to get in the Chasez family's good books.

Jon and his wife had experienced both heaven and hell recently.

Around a month ago, the Chasez family had given up on targeting them and returned them 54 % of Beautylish Group's shares.

Jon had gotten back his job and his superior even showed signs of wanting to promote him and giving him more responsibilities.

However, good things did not last for long and trouble arose again in the past few days.

An issue came about with the company and Jon's career was stalled. The couple spent their days frowning at home.

Celia did as David told and did not attend any classes in Greenwood. She was an understanding lady, and she knew this was not the time to cause more trouble for her parents and David. Thus, she did not leave the house at all and stayed at home.

Jon and his wife initially assumed that the Chasez family was targeting them again, but after asking around a couple of people they found out that the Chasez family was actually too busyt o deal with small fries like them these days.

The Chasez family had been very active in Capital City these days, as there were rumors about how they had received the support of some powerful figure and were now expanding their powers. The family was also slowly breaking past the boundaries of the first-rate aristocratic circle and was aiming for an even higher status.

The trouble the couple was facing was not a direct result of something the Chasez family had said, but rather the result of Beautylish Group's partners and close business friends distancing themselves from the Young family in fear that the Chasez family would trouble them for their connection.

The Chasez family had already grown powerful enough to the point where they need not say anything before someone trying to get chummy with them would take the initiative to help the family out. This was a treatment that only the top four distinguished aristocratic families in Capital City

enjoyed. If you were to become an enemy of those four families, someone would immediately step out and help get rid of the "enemy" without those families even uttering a word.

If the Chasez family continues to grow like this, they would quickly become the fifth distinguished aristocratic family in Capital City.

However, any family that wanted to become the fifth distinguished aristocratic family would surely face obstacles set by the other four to stop them.

After all, there were only so many benefits to go around, and any newcomers meant the redistribution of such benefits. Each party would be forced to reap fewer benefits from then on. However, the Chasez family had the extremely powerful Justin Chasez watching over them, so no one dared to cross them.

Therefore, these four families would rather reap fewer benefits than make an enemy out of Justin.

As a legendary figure within Somerland, Justin was already a hundred and twenty years old. His body was slowly degrading but even so, Somerland was unwilling to start a fight with him, lest Falconia seized the opportunity to attack Somerland.

That was the only reason why Somerland officials did not make any move when two mid and high-ranking Dragon Rank masters of unknown origin suddenly appeared in Capital City, the heart of Somerland. If Justin was a mere peak Dragon Ranker, even if he topped the Dragon Rank, Somerland was a strong enough empire that it needed not to be concerned about fighting him.

However, the issue was that Dark Cape was under Justin's rule and this was too important to Somerland. The empire could not risk such a place following into Falconia's hands.

In truth, the current situation was the best they could manage. This was because the moment either of the two empires, Somerland or Falconia, got ahold of Dark Çape, a war would break out between them. Thus, Somerland decided to turn a blind eye and even help the Chasez family grow, as did the other families.

Three days later, the Chasez family invited various aristocratic families in Capital City to witness their rise.

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