I'm A Quadrillionaire
Chapter 344

Chapter 344 In a secluded room in the bar, everything that was happening on the won flow

w n a big screen A lazy, enchanting figure was reclining on the sofa with a glass of red W b b was watching the surveillance video. She was Tulip, the owner of Rock Bar,

A woman who could open a bar in the Chaos Land would not be someone sungle, When she saw that Black Water was going to take David away, she was ready to dipada someone to stop them.

Who would dare to come to her bar to spend money after Black Water did this kind o tawag sa her bar? Wouldn't he be cutting off her wealth and ruining her reputation? Even though this bar was small and other aspects of this place might be average at best in the Chaos Land, it was a cash cow. It could make her a lot of money every day, Safety was the most important aspect in a bar located in such a place. If the guests' stay could not be guaranteed after they came in, who could dare to come to spend money been the future?

Therefore, she could not let Black Water break the rules of her bar,

Although Black Water had informed her earlier, she would not care if he wanted to capture and kill his enemy. However, he should not even think about capturing her guest.

As for whether they were accomplices, the people on the Killer Rank had always worked alone, much less Blue Enchantress, who was ranked ninth.

Blue Enchantress suddenly rose from 30th place to oth place half a year ago. It was said that she successfully assassinated someone who was in the beginner stage of the Dragon Rank Plus, the first deputy captain of the Black Water Mercenaries died suddenly half a year ago

Now, she was here to assassinate Black Water again. Did this mean that the first deputy captain of Black Water Mercenaries died at the hands of Blue Enchantress half a

It seemed that there was indeed a big feud between them. Black Water Mercenaries were notorious in Chaos Land and it was normal for them to offend others.

See? The other party had nothing to do with what was happening but since they looked rich, Black Water Mercenaries would want to make a fortune off of them. Sooner or later, they would fail and then get the opposite of what they wanted. However, this had nothing to do with her. She only needed to run ber bar well and that would e enough for her. Looking at Blue Enchantress who was lying on the ground, Tulip kind of wanted to take her in However, after thinking of Black Water's recent breakthrough to become a mid-Dragon Ranker, she was a little troubled. It was not wise to offend Black Water for this matter. Therefore, she should just forget it.

Just as Tulip was about to pick up the walkie-talkie and notify the bar manager to stop the Black Water mercenaries...

Suddenly, she stared at the big screen with wide eyes.

At this time, there was a scene on the big screen that horrified her.

David grabbed Black Water's neck with one hand and lifted him against the wall, and Black Water, a mid-Dragon Ranker, was powerless to fight back!

He could only widen his eyes and stare at the person in front of him in horror.

In less than a second, Black Water's neck was snapped, and his body slid limply down the comer of the wall.

Black Water, the captain of the dignified Black Water Mercenaries and a mid-Dragon Ranker, had just died?

He did not even have a chance to resist!

When did this character appear in the Peace Area?

Who was this man?

What was the purpose of him coming here? Tulip quickly took out her walkie-talkie and said, "Mr. Larson." "M-Ma'am?"

"Did you see the surveillance video?"


Mr. Larson was obviously shaken to his core. A mid-Dragon Ranker was already someone that was unfathomable to him. This kind of person was killed before he could even fight back There was such a powerful person sitting in the bar, and as the manager, he had been completely unaware. This was a failure on his part to carry out his duty.

"When did the man with the half silver mask come in? Has he been here before?"

"Ma'am, this person came in the evening and has been sitting there for a long time. It should be his first time today. I have never seen him before. Do you want me to send someone to follow him after he leaves?" Mr. Larson asked. "Follow him? Don't drag me into this if you want to die. Go get those two bottles of collector's edition red wine right now, I'll be there later," Tulip said.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Tulip got up quickly, walked to the mirror, and reapplied her makeup. Then, she took in her mature yet alluring figure and face before leaving the room with a smile.

David returned to his seat and sat down. He had just finished the first glass of alcohol and was

taking a sip from the second glass. Then, he said, "Those who have nothing to do with this matter can leave now.".

The guests on the second floor began to walk downstairs one after another.

None of the Black Water mercenaries dared to move.

When everyone was gone, David said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

One of the Black Water mercenaries stood up and said respectfully, "Sir, we are from Black Water Mercenaries. The blue-haired woman lying on the ground is the Blue Enchantress who's ranked ninth in the Killer Rank. The first deputy captain of Black Water Mercer ries died at her hands half a year ago. Today, she came to assassinate our captain again. The captain saw through her and she escaped after taking a secret drug. We chased her all here while the person you just killed was our captain, who was known as Black Water."

"Don't people on the Killer Rank usually work alone? Why did your captain claim that I'm her accomplice?" David asked.

"Uh... It might be because you look like a rich man and he wanted to extort money from you." "So, does Black Water Mercenaries do this a lot?" The man was so frightened that he immediately knelt on the ground. He replied while kowtowing furiously, "Sir, we are just his subordinates and we can only do what the captain says. Otherwise, we will be courting death. Please be the bigger person and spare us." The others knelt immediately. "Sir, please spare us." "Tell me the size of Black Water Mercenaries," David said.

"Sir, there are more than 1300 people in the Black Water Mercenaries. Our leader was a mid Dragon Ranker and the first deputy captain was in the beginner stage of the Dragon Rank, but they are all dead and now there are sixteen Tiger Rankers, and 54 first-class. We never counted how many of the rest of the men are below first-class." David thought contemplated for a while and decided that their size was pretty good. They would be a powerful force if they joined Red Flame, which would be very helpful for their attack on Dark Cape in a week. Plus, they had just seen his strength so they should not dare to have any other thoughts. "You are now the acting captain of the team for the time being. Go back and sort out Black Water Mercenaries. Then, gather five kilometers west of the Peace Area in a week You will be working for me from now on. If you don't come, you will know the consequences," David said. "Yes, of course! We will definitely be there! Thank you for your kindness in not killing us. It is our honor to be able to work for a big shot like you." "Okay, you can leave now. Take the body away too." "Yes, Sir, we will leave now."

Two people came out from the group of a dozen people and carried Black Water's corpse away. They went downstairs and left the bar along with the hundred or so people downstairs.

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